Slim fans, or ideas for fans to not hog tent space?


Well-Known Member
Morning gents and ladies, small tent growers problem, growing in a scant 4x2 tent so floor space is limited.

Currently i use a 14“ oscillating fan and 2 small clip fans, but my problem is the big fan and its movement takes up to much of my room, especially since the leaves cant be touching it or they get shredded. So a third of the tent is dedicated to this fan and it only blows from one side

I am curios how to combat this, on a personal small scale fairly low budget. Right now the best thing ive come up with is a box fan or a slim fan set usually meant to sit in your window.

Any good ideas on this topic? Id like to fit 3 nice plants in my space but am currently limited to 2 medium size. Cheers


Well-Known Member
I'd leave the 14" out for now. Use one clip on to blow up their skirts and the other above the canopy. That's how I ran in my 2x4 with 3 plants.


Well-Known Member
Computer fans are surely to weak to make anything happen across 4 feet
I have a 2x4 tent too, and I have four 120mm computer fans rigged in various spots around the tent to keep the air flowing. It's not windy, but I think it's enough. They take up almost no space, and are absolutely silent.

Using these:


Well-Known Member
Honeywell fan user here. The floor space is reserved for plants only. I hang the floor fan from the top of the tent, upside down from the top. Tops are for lights and fans. And yes, the fan is a universal hang, i checked.


Well-Known Member
What are the odds you have a picture brother?

@whitebb2727 theres no way one single clip on fan is going to put an entire canopy under a good enough breeze to combat canopy heat/prevent bugs/boost stem strength and reduce chances of mould. I feel there would be alot of plant surface that would be getting next to no air movement at all, just stangnant humid air under intence HID lighting, sounds dreadful to me (I run a strong exhaust aswell, as Im sure most do, which circulates/turns air aswell) Maybe 4 clip on fans in each corner

Maybe I take airflow to deep to heart, but after getting mites once because of trying pc fans in a small cabinet, I tend to think a good breeze throughout the tent is vital, make the branches dance


Well-Known Member
As of right now a box fan is near the top of my list, mainly because they are about 4" thick, and would move quite a bit of air over a broad thick canopy height, but Im just hoping its not to strong even on its lowest setting. As it doesnt ossilate, the plants would never get a break

Wouldnt know its strength until I plugged it in I suppose


Well-Known Member
What are the odds you have a picture brother?

@whitebb2727 theres no way one single clip on fan is going to put an entire canopy under a good enough breeze to combat canopy heat/prevent bugs/boost stem strength and reduce chances of mould. I feel there would be alot of plant surface that would be getting next to no air movement at all, just stangnant humid air under intence HID lighting, sounds dreadful to me (I run a strong exhaust aswell, as Im sure most do, which circulates/turns air aswell) Maybe 4 clip on fans in each corner

Maybe I take airflow to deep to heart, but after getting mites once because of trying pc fans in a small cabinet, I tend to think a good breeze throughout the tent is vital, make the branches dance
Its plenty powerful enough. Never had pm or rot.

When I close the doors to my cab I watch with it barely cracked and every plant is getting airm. You can watch stems and leaves dance all the way to the opposite side.

I think you are under estimating the fan and using note fannthan needed in yours.

I have had my temp/humidity gauge in every spot possible.

I can't point that fan directly on plants or it tears them up.

I got plenty of exhaust.
Screenshot_2017-01-27-01-29-02.png Screenshot_2017-01-17-15-33-01.png


Well-Known Member
I mean no offence by this, but my tent is currently much fuller with a thick canopy as the plants have been topped and mainlined, you appear to let the plants grow naturally, and your fan does indeed look adequate to cause air movement on the other side of the tent, as there really isnt much in the way of blocking that air. Even my 14" fan shooting right into the side of the plants on the left side of the tent, there is no movement of the plants on the right side plants

My next run will be a scrog and Id like to not dedicate any floor space to the fan, or atleast not nearly as much as I currently am, was just curious how the small space growers were moving there air, anyone trying anything different? a Fan up in the top of the tent may work, mounted beside the hps enclosed hood blowing from top towards the bottom.

If there is a fan for that purpose or could be mounted like that


Well-Known Member
I mean no offence by this, but my tent is currently much fuller with a thick canopy as the plants have been topped and mainlined, you appear to let the plants grow naturally, and your fan does indeed look adequate to cause air movement on the other side of the tent, as there really isnt much in the way of blocking that air. Even my 14" fan shooting right into the side of the plants on the left side of the tent, there is no movement of the plants on the right side plants

My next run will be a scrog and Id like to not dedicate any floor space to the fan, or atleast not nearly as much as I currently am, was just curious how the small space growers were moving there air, anyone trying anything different? a Fan up in the top of the tent may work, mounted beside the hps enclosed hood blowing from top towards the bottom.

If there is a fan for that purpose or could be mounted like that
I've had it full with a scrog also. Its enough air movement. Sorry if the damn answer doesn't match what you want to hear.


Well-Known Member
A small clip on fan doesnt cover corner to corner with adequate air flow under HPS lighting, sorry if you didnt want to hear that


Well-Known Member
Put a small inline fan in that shit! Point it sideways, at the top of your area. Desk fans, clip ons, pedestals with the pedestal removed. For hanging use chain, wire, rope, shoelaces, old wire. If one small fan aint enough, put two, three, get what I am saying?


Well-Known Member
I grow in a 2x4 also. I like the Honeywell fan on the floor and a 6" fan hanging blowing between the light and tops.View attachment 3887439
@TurboTokes I used this style fan on top of my light fixture/hood on HI pointing stright up at the ceiling of a4x4x7 room. This will move major air throughout the entire space without blowing your plants to bits and it will also be up and out of the way. Then a small 6" clip on fan for down low. Keeps everything moving and swaying. I'm talking just for good air movement since we arent talking exchange..
I agree with what @whitebb2727 says about that size space not needing much for good air movement.