Slow Growing Clones

I'm just starting out on my first grow. I got 3 green kush clones well rooted through the rockwool cubes from a local dispensary. I transplanted them to time release fertilized soil same day. I've got the SeeMoreBuds light setup going with 3 42 watt CFL's going at 18/6.

It's been about 5 days now and I'm not really seeing any change in height. Clones look healthy, but I was under the impression growth would be pretty quick. Is this normal? They were 5" when I got them and I don't think any of them cracked 6".

I'm thinking about upping to 6 42 CFL's this weekend to see if that will speed them up, but for such small plants I thought 3 would be plenty the first week or two.

Please let me know if anyone has any ideas out there. I'm not looking to change up my rig this time around, so I would like to get through it with my current setup. And all you snarky vets out there, go easy on me, this is my first time.

Thanks in advance for the help.


Well-Known Member
To be honest those clones are a little on the small side leaf wise but they appear healthy. If possible stay away from time released stuff, it's more work than it's worth. If you over water you can release more ferts than you really want. Lighting with the 3 bulb set up is putting out 42 watts per plant, that's plenty of light for plants that size. What is color range of those bulbs? Once they are ready for transplant use any good potting soil (fox farms if it's available) and easy on the ferts. Sometimes with that amount of leaf initial growth is slow but hang in there they will make you smile.


Well-Known Member
they are fine for vegging and only use the three bulb setup until they start to grow and then kick in the others.


clones look fine... u just transplanted... the roots r developing... if can get some rooting hormones it will speed up the process... but it will take about a week or so before they will start growing faster. better the roots nicer the plants.