Slucket DWC Design - Pro /Con


Well-Known Member
I've seen these new Sluckets show up on the market and they look to work in the same fashion as the undercurrent systems.


The main difference is they have a opening on the bottom that feeds the water up from the bottom and then overflows into 2 inch bulkhead on the sides.

I'm interested in hearing the pro/con of this system.

From my 1st observation, it would make flush and drain simple if u installed a bypass valve. The water it shooting right up into the roots from the bottom. The water adjatation may help with o2 levels and a venturi water pump may eliminate a air pump or only needed for epicenter tank.

But I feel since the water overflows from higher up, those people that do not have an auto water refill system in place may have issues if the water level drops below the overflow levels and could burn out water pump.

What are your thoughts on this?