SLUGS ON my plant


Active Member
BIG FAT FUKIN YELLOW ASS SLUGS, they suck th life out of them, whrn th crawl, the slime turns the plant yellow,,,,...????!!!!! do i get rid of suck pests:twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:


Well-Known Member
take them off the plant, put a bunch of crushed eggshells around the stem so they cant crawl up it, and put some small cups with beer in them sort of buried in the soil, they love beer, fall in and drown (not kidding)

good luck dude


Active Member
if its in a pot you can spray the outside of the pot with saltwater. it will keep them from crawling up the pot to the plant. DON"T spray your plant with salt water


Well-Known Member
or just put a ring of salt around plant, not to close or if thier in the ground it will leach into plant. salt burns for any slimy critter