Small closet grow


Well-Known Member
That was the most fucked up ending i have ever seen. Fuck that shit. No loose ends my ass!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Where'd jesse go?

What happened to Badger and Skinny Pete?

Does Junior get the college money?

Did they dig up Hank's body??

Was Saul's escape successful?

What about the money Jack stole?

seriously?!!!?!??!?!??!? WHAT THE FUCK!?

ok gonna start watching talking bad. be back after it's over.


Well-Known Member
Where'd jesse go?

What happened to Badger and Skinny Pete?

Does Junior get the college money?

Did they dig up Hank's body??

Was Saul's escape successful?

What about the money Jack stole?

seriously?!!!?!??!?!??!? WHAT THE FUCK!?

ok gonna start watching talking bad. be back after it's over.
Who cares where Jessie went...he got the fuck outta there

Badger and Skinny Pete are smoking a bowl

Junior will get the trust fund...Walt scared them good enough

Skyler will use coordinates to bargain for her freedom (Hanks body)

Saul got out last episode

Walt didn't care about the money anymore...he just wanted to kill the Nazi bastards!!

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Did you use that sugar leaf method I told you about on this bud? I know it's hard to wait, especially if you don't have any on hand...but dude...WAIT if you can. Yeah right...I'm one to talk (lmao)! Blue Mistic to ya! Anyone smoke Marlboro?



Well-Known Member
new series for fall 2014:• “Better Call Saul”: This “Breaking Bad” prequel spinoff is centered on Walter White’s lawyer, Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk). It’s expected to head to AMC.

Now I'm going to bed. HAHAHHA


Well-Known Member
Hey!! What's going on over here? :) You've been awfully quite lately...are you still sad about the game? ;)