Small...Grow Closet...But okay bud income?


Active Member
Alright here's the deal:

i have an
27x21x76inch Closet

and i would like to start a first hydroponic system in there.

I was thinking of putting the clones and mom on the top shelf

And space to grow at least 4 plants ( kinda doing a mini sea of green if you know what i mean )

Thing is i really dont know if they would have enough space.

Would i be better of getting a cabinet?

what dimensions should i look for?

What gear do you suggest?

additional tips?

Thanks for everything Guys
Gotta love GROWING up!


Well-Known Member
That's enough space and using a closet is fine, but you will have to account for ventilation. You need an exhaust in there always pulling out the hot air.
Letting fresh air seep in around the door is fine if you are just doing a 250w hps or less.

Skip cfl's, that's my advice.

And remember you're not flowering anything until you enclose the flower area at least with some cardboard door or something. They have to have uninterrupted 12 hours of sleep with no light leaks.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Alright here's the deal:

i have an
27x21x76inch Closet

and i would like to start a first hydroponic system in there.

I was thinking of putting the clones and mom on the top shelf

And space to grow at least 4 plants ( kinda doing a mini sea of green if you know what i mean )

Thing is i really dont know if they would have enough space.

Would i be better of getting a cabinet?

what dimensions should i look for?

What gear do you suggest?

additional tips?

Thanks for everything Guys
Gotta love GROWING up!
First suggestio: Learn dirt first! I was told to learn in the dirt until you know plants real well.


Active Member
No worries when i was a kid i used to live outside the city and we had a garden... I pretty much have green thumbs.

But with the reading and everything hydro seems far more easy and appropriate for an appartment.

I have a rather big basement though...
BUt its far from livable in there, its pretty shitty. No heating and its rather humid it tends to have mold forming on the walls.
Having this place up and working would be the perfect deal for sure...
And the ceilling is not really high So its perfect for hydro.

If you guys have any tips on this one that would be great.

I have thought of just putting in some well isolated cabinets in there... but oh well.

maybe even a grow tent?


Well-Known Member
I am currently growing in ruffly the same size of closet. Check out my 2nd grow.
I recommend going with a DWC 5-10 gallon reservoir system. I made the mistake of starting my grow off in this huge gray 18 gallon tub. Also, doyou have a pH monitor? I can recommend a good cheap site for some really good pens.
EDIT: putting the clones on the top shelf underneath a light thats made for clones is an extremely good idea :) Your closet is short so i dont know where to put your mother at....
If I had to start all over then this is what I would buy PRIOR to growing..
150W HPS light
8Gal tub (not clear because that causes disease and algi growth)
Foxfarm nutes
pH pen
pH +/-
aquarium chiller (something to cool down the water)
some small chain link (to hang the light from)
dual outlet air pump
2 medium sized air stones
5-10ft long air hose(will be cut in half to run to each stone)
2in rock wool cubes(or some other type of medium)
Small bag of hydroton
3-5in wide net pots
Fan to blow on the plants
Digital thermometer/hydrometer for the air
Digital thermometer for the water
Hot glue gun/glue sticks to glue the airstone to the bottom of the conatiner


Active Member
What are the airstones for , never heard about that ?

How much plants do you grow in your system??

I think the size is going to be okay, Im growing White widow and im going to keep em short and concentrate on buddin'!


Well-Known Member
The air stones put air into the water. Your plants will die from suffocation without having any air in the water.

Depending on which type of hydro setup you have, you may not need these. The list of items are for a DWC setup, like mine.

I have 3 plants in veg right now... check out my second grow (theres a link below)