Small mistake may lead to big problems, experienced growers please advise


I've been growing for a while, I am fairly experienced. I actually started with hydro/aero before my 1st soil grow.

So I finally got a space big enough to do soil. I brought in 20 healthy clones (gravity) and vegged them for about 3 weeks, and switched them to flowering. The only problem is, the timer has an unmarked toggle switch (eco plus). So long story short the switch was in the wrong position. The plants have been vegging for an extra 8 days.

My question is this: I am worried that my plants have vegged too long, and will be difficult to manage. I am wondering if there are any effective/best ways to slow/stunt/minimize growth during flowering without out hurting/stressing the plants too badly.


-I have about 7 feet of ceiling space.
-I have quite a bit of floor space.
-They are fairly tall, about 2 or 2.5 feet over the top of the pots.
-I have excellent ventilation, odor control, and overall environmental control.
-The plants are in 3 gallon pots.
-The plants have been in veg for about 4.5 weeks.
-I am using a 1k HPS mounted to a light rail 5 with a magnum xxxl vented hood.
-I have only used fox farms mixed with soil, no other fertilizers except mirco nute.

I am pretty sure gravity has an 8 week flowering time.

Can I do anything to ensure the plants don't get over 4 feet tall? Will they be pot bound near the end of flowering? I'm a hydro guy used to small SOG style set ups, not 5 or 6 foot monsters.

Should I just embrace the big size? I feel like I'll wind up pot bound! Bigger is not always better.........


Well-Known Member
I would say the extra week is not going to make that much difference. Your 3 gallon pots should be fine you can always drill several small holes towards the bottom to increase oxygen to the roots. You will probably need to train them, just bend the top cola over for the second week of flower and let the lower buds catch up then release her week three. It should even out.


Well-Known Member
I use bushmaster....good stuff to halt vertical growth.......just got to be careful with is very strong stuff.....I use it in my res for the first 3 days of flower....I run it with ph'd water alone and depending on strain I might foliar 3 times within 2 weeks after the 3 days.........

"Our proprietary kelp extract will speed up the transition to bloom while decreasing internode spacing resulting in tighter flower clusters and bushier compact plants. Works well in soil, hydro or as a foliar."



Well-Known Member
top them and bud them under a mh light for the first 3-4 weeks then go to the hps this will help stop some stretching to keep them shorter