Small project


Well-Known Member
here are some photos of a setup i have in my room in a cupboard.
the cupboard is alot taller than it looks and does actualy have plenty of room.
I would say i have a good idea of what im doing as i have had 2 successful plants previously, however i have loads to learn still and im eager for any feedback.
these plants are probably about 2 weeks old.
seeds are: purple haze, fruit punch and 2 randoms ones i got for free (also bought 2 pineapple chunks but they diddnt sprout).

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going to give it a few more days as its fresh soil and will start adding nutes, aswell as obviously moving that light up! will add my photos when there is a decent amount of progress.
once the plants are big enough they will be going into a tent with fan/filter ect.

also quick question, what do people do with their plants whilst on holiday? ive got a friend that has offered to look after them whilst away for 2 weeks but its hard trusting other people with my babies haha.


Well-Known Member
here are some photos of a setup i have in my room in a cupboard.
the cupboard is alot taller than it looks and does actualy have plenty of room.
I would say i have a good idea of what im doing as i have had 2 successful plants previously, however i have loads to learn still and im eager for any feedback.
these plants are probably about 2 weeks old.
seeds are: purple haze, fruit punch and 2 randoms ones i got for free (also bought 2 pineapple chunks but they diddnt sprout).

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going to give it a few more days as its fresh soil and will start adding nutes, aswell as obviously moving that light up! will add my photos when there is a decent amount of progress.
once the plants are big enough they will be going into a tent with fan/filter ect.

also quick question, what do people do with their plants whilst on holiday? ive got a friend that has offered to look after them whilst away for 2 weeks but its hard trusting other people with my babies haha.
As for feedback...nice looking're going to need more space and light to do any justice for that many plants...just sayin'...I see you know that and have a tent with better light waiting for them to arrive.

As for the quick question...

Personally, I would'nst goenst on holiday and trustenst my growenst to anyonenst. I would'nst trustenst that unbeknowenst to me my buddy may injurenst or killenst my babies, whilst I was awayenst.

^^^ sorry I could'nst helpenst myself...enst. LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
hi guys just an update and seeking some advice.

Theese are the plants now about 3 or 4 weeks old.
I have moved them into 7" pots, started giving them some plant magic with every other water.
They seem to be doing okay, some slightly better than others.
I have been looking at starting to Trim some of the fan leaves off, I was wondering if now would be the time to do it or should i wait a little longer?

My other question is, Ive been told by people to keep the plants in smaller pots otherwise if i use bigger pots the plants will get too big for their grow space, However the roots are coming through the bottom of the pots, i was always told that when you start seeing the roots the plant will no longer grow so its time to move them to a bigger pot.
What do you guys think is best?
Attached are some photos, Feedback would be greatly appreciated thanks :):bigjoint:


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