Small Stealth grow box questions.


I've gotten really excited with the thought of doing micro grows, for personal use. I originally wanted to make a pc grow case, however the case was just to small. I'm looking to make a nice box, with reasonable dimensions. I'm thinking of making a box that is 2x2x1 (HxWxD) A space larger than this would not be necessary, I'm just looking to grow 1 plant at a time. My only real concerns are with the lighting. In a space this small how many watts do I actually need to maintain a plant. I'm going to be growing from 12/12 from seed, so the wattage needed will be less if I am correct. Hopefully I will only need 1 light for this. Planning to use CFL's and figure out the rest. Feel free to post all of your tips on growing in a small stealth box.


Also, my house is unbearably hot. 90 degrees on average during the day. I could swap the light schedule around and grow during the night so it doesn't get overheated. But any good ways to keep the box cool during the day?


pc fans 2 out 1 in 2 out in the top and the 1 in gos in the bottom and put the box in a room with an AC 90 is way to hot


I know its way to hot lol. I'm thinking about having an ice pack behind one of the intake so it will keep the box cool. Sucks having no ac =[


I suggest at least two bulbs on a Y or T splitter. You'll get better light coverage and you can add more light spectrum using two different type bulbs. You might also consider running he lights 18/6 for better/faster growth and put the dark cycle from noon to 6 pm to coincide with the hottest time of the day.


Yeah, to be honest this is a HUGE learning curve for me. Have never grown before. I am planning on making a box that is 2x2x1 (HxWxD) so it will give me a pretty decent sized area. I will probably let the plants veg for a very short period of their life, then switch to 12/12 and watch the buds grow. If I can get anything rigged up soon I will be sure to update.