Smallest Lowryder in History????


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone heres the setup....

Lowryder 2 Fem Auto.
200w CFL
Plagron lite mix
Biobizz Bloom every 3rd watering half strenght (After 3 weeks)
Temps 22-26c
Humidity 55%-60% Throughout.

This plant at the moment is 60 days old & 3 inches in height & has not grown in height since the 3rd week when it started to flower. No side branches grew just one bud has formed at the top....Its almost like a lollipop.:?
I know lowryder dont grow tall.... 16-20 inches maximum....But Is it common with some lowryder plants to end up this small...:confused:

Also some of the pistils are starting to turn brown...Is she ready for the chop or should i wait a little bit more?




Well-Known Member
That shits crazy lookin it's a mini!:o

Nah they're bigger, I don't get why it would be so small.
Maybe it's a plant malfunction.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reply barrgemike.. I've been scratchin my head with this one for a while now. But she smells nice & the bud is nice & fat. Although it'll probably shrink to nothing after drying?


Well-Known Member
Yes it will shrink significantly after drying. How long has it been in flower? Lowriders aren't meant to get that small. It does in fact look like a mini-lowryder..same shape..just tiny..ha.

Perhaps something occured that stunted its growth and it never got big..More likely a genetic difficency.

Cool lookin, you might get a bowl or...two if your LUCKY. good luck haha.

I'd say start over, you seem to have the setup down. Only chop if your sure its harvest time more research. Look into trich colors blah blah blah. Scan the FAQs youll find somethin good. better than what I can tell you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reply barrgemike.. I've been scratchin my head with this one for a while now. But she smells nice & the bud is nice & fat. Although it'll probably shrink to nothing after drying?
Try to keep it alive. It'd be cool to see what it does in the long run.:o


Well-Known Member
Cheers rabbi ( a bowl or two is right):shock: Maybe i should've called it a Lowryder Bonsai.... She started flowering after the 3rd week.


Well-Known Member
I just don't see a point in killing it, it's the only one i've seen like it and it's awesome, you might get a joint.:shock:


Well-Known Member
I just don't see a point in killing it, it's the only one i've seen like it and it's awesome, you might get a joint.:shock:
Oh by no means kill it...yet...Perhaps keeping it around for a long while might be better. It is a very interesting plant. Too bad it probably wouldn't survive on low light like a house plant would..otherwise you could put it in a pretty little ceramic dish and leave it out as a fragrant little bonsai-tree

Let it keep going..
have you noticed growth week to week?:weed:


Well-Known Member
Shes alive and well except for the height factor.... Coming close to the chop though as some of the hairs are going brown now.
Sometimes the pistils cane deceive you..How long as it been flowering fist of all..

and do you have a magnifier or loupe..? it is best to check trich degradation or the trich 'color' to see if its time to harvest.



Well-Known Member
Shes been flowering for 6 weeks now...l'll let her keep goin for a while more see what happens. Haven't noticed much growth from week to week its just getting fatter & smellier.....and ive no magnifier.


Well-Known Member
true man, don't chop it yet, you might get surprised one day soon with massive growth. or not.....
But i would still keep it and use it as a decoration....LOL!!!
I'm stuck on this one, i have no idea!!!!!


Well-Known Member
true man, don't chop it yet, you might get surprised one day soon with massive growth. or not.....
But i would still keep it and use it as a decoration....LOL!!!
I'm stuck on this one, i have no idea!!!!!
Massive Growth:o...LOL! Decoration sounds better....Maybe i could put it on top of the Chrimbo tree with a tiny little light on it.:idea: