smell associated with new MH bulb


Hello everyone. I've just completed my first (trial) grow and am setting up for my second. I started my first grow and went all the way through with 400 watt HPS. Started with two seedlings grown from unknown strain. Pulled the boy at four days into flower and grew the female for eight weeks. I had to pull early due to way prior travel obligations. I'll plan better next time. I want to see the amber.

My concerns are with my bulb. Again, I started by mistake (in my plans) with HPS and so went all the way through the grow with the same. This time I'm starting out with five weeks of MH and will finish more or less at nine weeks under HPS. I've got a funny, burny smell coming off the MH bulb. I've got good wiring all the way to the box and I've nose tested everything starting with my ballest. Its the bulb or is it my reflector? My reflector has a blue plastic film coating the inside. Is my 400 watt MH too much or what? Any ideas?

I use a self contained Honeywell scrubber but don't want to turn it on until there's a need. What could be the source of smell?


Well-Known Member
Definitely get rid of that film on your reflector. If it has time to bake on with the heat of your lamp, it will be harder to remove and will lessen the reflectivity of your reflector.


I am an idiot. Thanks to all for helping the disabled. At not one time did it occur to me to peel the 'protective' plastic covering off of my product. I am humbled.


Someone Please! Tell me there is some method to getting the baked on film off. I am banging my head against the wall. I just got back from some traveling and jet lag and I know now was still stupid. The outer parts of the film peel off easily but it's the baked on center with a nice burn spot that just kills me.

1) Find a miracle cure to get the rest of the baked on film off.

2) Pull the MH and put back in place the HPS which ran with no problem. Torpedo shaped rather than balloon shaped I assume.

3) I've got three Nirvana's ready to go. Please someone advice.