smells dank need help


Active Member
well i have a cfl grow going there 20 days old and bout 7 inches tall and smell like the dankest shit i have ever seen thought like all my outdoor grows they dont smell rela bad till near flowering or guess i just didnt realize how bad they smell its a new strain for me made for indoor but i need to know if i can kill the smell some how any sugs will help have inline filter but still reaks of weed mmmm love it but neibors might get a lil susp


Active Member
god damn no one has any ideah about getting the smell of a plant down ! hang air fresheners, nothing


Active Member
I have heard ozone emitters are good I am saving for one right now. People tell me they work really really good.


Well-Known Member
You think it's bad now, wait until she starts flowering! lol Check out the DIY section - lots of homemade carbon filter ideas in there.