Smells like hay. Turns the joint filter and end yellow. :-?


Picked up some cheap bud recently, about $140 an oz. It was apparently harvested up north from Toronto. Now the problems are when scaled 1g of this stuff seems to take up a lot more room than 1g of kush.

When burning, it turns the filter really yellow and the ends of the spliff have like sticky brown residue. Shit I notice when I batch it with too much tobacco. Also the smoke has a 'different' taste to it. Worst of all, when I open the jar it just smells like hay.

I'm wondering if there is a way to cure it more to bring out the chloro or should I simply try turning it into hash? Its pretty dry, the stem breaks when pressure is applied.

Oh and: Does anyone know what kind of weed this could be.



Well-Known Member
ive heard if its newer like less than a year putting it in mason jars could improve taste or smoothness. not a fact jus my opinon i guess


Well-Known Member
If it smells like hay then it hasn't been cured. Leave it in the jar, open and close the jar daily. It will start to properly smell like weed after it cures for a couple weeks, at least you hope it does. It was probably never cured properly, just dried and sold. Doesn't look too bad, looks like it will get you stoned. But flavor is what we crave, or at least I do. Good luck, that's a great price, would be hard to find prices like that around here.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sounds like curing it would be worth a shot, although you might have to somehow get a bitof moisture into them before curing would do anything.

Nothing worse than licking your lips after a joint and getting a tongue full of tar, that stuff tastes like crap and doesn't come off too easy. Personally, whenever i pick up crap, i try my best to move it on and then to try again with the money recouped. Nothing worse than a whole ounce of crap to get through knwoing that you apid for it (although granted, at the price you paid, seems reasonable maybe, i remember an £80 ounce i got once, pretty much pot pouriiii)


Its kind of leafy. Should I try to trim it a bit more before curing it?

Or just trim after.

Also, what would be a way to get more moisture into the bud?


Well-Known Member
Put it in a jar with a fresh carrot for 24 hours. That will rehydrate it plenty. Take the carrot out after that unless you want mold. Then just start jarring and burping like everyone says. Wait a few weeks. It'll help. Definitely just new bud. It has a lot of crystals; definitely worth the trouble to make it smoke better. Don't trim it up but it IS leafy; that's just what you've got to work with.


Put the carrot in, bud is damp as hell. Smells better, not as dry. Do i need to open it every 23 hours and leave it open 30minutes to 1 hour?


Well-Known Member
it's just nasty chemical grown crop that was probably nute-burnt an never flushed.

The nasty taste and smell are the stored nitrates, etc.


Well-Known Member
The hay smell is from trapped chloro in the bud. This is most likely from improper harvesting and the plants not receiving a proper flush of ferts before harvest. Personally I wouldnt ingest it anyway just because the fact that I know Im smoking chemicals. Sell it to someone else like someone else said.