Smoking Alone

Anyone else here prefer smoking alone to doing it with others? Personally I love it. Not just because you're not swapping germs with multiple others, having to listen to people fight over what spot they get, the scumbags that never have money and always say they'll pay you back later when they never do... it's just so much more enjoyable for me to do it alone.

When I'm high it honestly frustrates me when I can't do my own thing. I don't like sitting around bullshitting with other people, I want to listen to my music, play games, read, etc. Of course if I only smoked alone, it would eventually get boring, but 8/10 times I will do it alone and I prefer it that way. Intellectual conversations are definitely fun when high, but it seems rare to find people that actually want to talk about something meaningful/interesting when high.

What do you guys prefer?
Actually I'm not anti-social at all, but I do understand why you'd think that just from reading my first post. Just when it comes to smoking I really prefer to do it either alone or with one or two other good friends/family.

So anyway, do you prefer smoking alone or with others?
You have to wonder how many times people have picked up nasty illnesses and STDs just from smoking with others. I'm sure it's happened to me before (just the illness part!) but damn, I was pretty ignorant when I was younger, I consider myself lucky for not catching any disgusting disease/etc. since I smoked with so many random people in my late high school/early college years.


Active Member
Actually I'm not anti-social at all, but I do understand why you'd think that just from reading my first post. Just when it comes to smoking I really prefer to do it either alone or with one or two other good friends/family.

So anyway, do you prefer smoking alone or with others?

i prefer to smoke with my close friends and family members. i just moved back to my hometown area and they're the only people i am around.

benny blanco

Active Member
If I'm by myself ill smoke alone but if there's people around ill smoke with them. I have a small circle of friends. I do notice I seem to get a lot higher when I smoke alone. I zone out on things more

Total Head

Well-Known Member
about 75% of my smoking is done alone. if i'm out and about i smoke just because it's there (more often than not i'm the one who brought it anyway). when i'm at home i smoke because i feel like it. when smoke on my own i usually have "plans" to occupy myself with. at a friend's house it's really just a social thing, i can take it or leave it, especially if it's not up to my standards. i really hate feeling obligated to smoke someone's brown weed just because it's polite. i also hate having to "explain myself" if i turn down a blunt. so what if i'm a weed snob? more for you, now stfu. that's what i have to say about that.
about 75% of my smoking is done alone. if i'm out and about i smoke just because it's there (more often than not i'm the one who brought it anyway). when i'm at home i smoke because i feel like it. when smoke on my own i usually have "plans" to occupy myself with. at a friend's house it's really just a social thing, i can take it or leave it, especially if it's not up to my standards. i really hate feeling obligated to smoke someone's brown weed just because it's polite. i also hate having to "explain myself" if i turn down a blunt. so what if i'm a weed snob? more for you, now stfu. that's what i have to say about that.
Well said buddy... seems like we'd get along well.

I've had to explain why I didn't want to smoke someone's shitty mids hundreds of times. If I wanted a headache I'd smack my head against the wall... not smoke Mids/shwag...


Active Member
Im on the same page. Most of my smoking gets done by my lonesome (with the exception of my lunchtime smoke with co-workers).and especally now that the wifes pregnant again. this might also be because im borderline anit-social in my opinion. which also might account for the reason i smoke in the first place! when im ripped il pretty much start a conversation with anyone....


Well-Known Member
I smoke alone all the guy I smoke with wants to hold the joint and talk for 10 minutes....and for some reason,my bowl is to "complicated " for the wife...I've been smoken alone for 28 years...but I do enjoy the company when smoking with others, I'm not a


Well-Known Member
I totally get where you're coming from. I smoke in my lunchbreak in school with friends but when I get home I like to have a quiet smoke, in my spot, doing exactly what I want, when I want.

I hear you on the intellectual conversations- I tend to go off into philosophical and spiritual rambling too...


Well-Known Member
All by myself 98% of the time....My wife is a very occasional smoker....And I have 1 friend that is a smoker.....other than that its a loner thing for me.....I love being high when no body else is.