many people feel better growing their own for a variety of reasons: not having to support drug dealers, not having to deal with the sketch factor of dealing with other people, knowledge as to what is put into it (organic if you want it or what have you), being able to control their own medication (i don't have to get a refill of my meds from a doctor, i grow my own), being in control of one small part of their world... for whatever reason you chose it comes down to you: you have to pay for the equipment, nutes, soil, electricity, tools ect but once that has been accomplished, what you produce is free... free for you to do whatever you wish: you could share with people in need, sell to repay your investment or spin it all into hash if you wish... it is an act of independence and free will... depending on where you live it may be a declaration of your outlaw status or needs as a patient... once your grow has been paid for (in whatever method you chose to repay yourself) then your carefully grown medicine is free! free for you to change your life/ circumstances, free to share with others in need... just not free in terms of cost... however if you've been paying 500 a zip, your avg cost 36 a zip (estimated) may feel like it was free... it's all in how you look at it...