Smoking vs Munching


Well-Known Member
Hey, I've recently stopped smoking (as an aesthetic choice) and was wondering, how much does everyone else smoke?
Because I started to get extremely bad rings under my eyes/drawn tight face (my 'recovering junkie' look) if I smoke to much, hence me quitting, but how does everyone else in this fine world deal with the cosmetic side of smoking?
And the age old question, to munch or not to munch (to light up).


Staff member
i deff munch it it think its much better , i never had problems with anything cosmetic except red eyes but i just used visine.
I smoke twice a day. Anywhere from a half a bowl to full bowl in my glass pipe. It depends on what my day is like...if I have to give a lecture in my career field I tone it down, but smoke more if I know I will simply be chilling.

Personally, red eyes is the only issue I have received after 6 months of smoking it like this.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I've recently stopped smoking (as an aesthetic choice) and was wondering, how much does everyone else smoke?
Because I started to get extremely bad rings under my eyes/drawn tight face (my 'recovering junkie' look).
This is my 'look too lol'.. I know what you mean though I suffer badly with the dark rings under the eye's + pale complection (esp in the winter) way I've found is go for a brisk walk, get some colour back into the face, You'll just have to ride the storm until the rings subside! usually takes a couple of weeks of very light toking/no toking for that Junkie look to vanish (from my exp)
Just an idea: perhaps you could use make-up foundation in order to cover up the pale complexion and the rings under the eyes? I never had any issues with the way I looked like when I smoked pot, but I always get bad rings under the eyes when I do opiates. I use make-up foundation and it's usually not that noticeable anymore. This works only if you're a woman though (or if you live in a country where men using make-up foundation is not uncommon).

To answer the OP question: I'd rather eat the weed than smoke it. To me it's just as enjoyable in terms of the high and it lasts longer when eaten. The only downside is that you don't really have too much control over the dose, you never know beforehand just how stoned you will get...


Well-Known Member
Lol never really thought about marijuana changing physical appearance, but now that I think about it, Its pretty easy to tell who smokes weed and who doesn't just by looking at them.