Smoking With God.

hey, I got ordained at the ULC a few years ago. My friends thought it might bring about the end of the world. Once ordained there, you can order the paperwork to legally marry couples.

Sorry midgrade, it won't make you tax exempt unless you start up your own church.

Hey, what a wonderful idea! Church of the Constant Gardner. It's got a nice ring to it, doncha think? Communion will consist of MellowYellow, a slice of pizza, and a drag off a blunt.
AD 45[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]St Mark establishes the Ethiopian Coptic Church. The Copts claim that marijuana as a sacrament [/FONT]

The Same Words the preacher Used Only 2000 Years Before Him
hey, I got ordained at the ULC a few years ago. My friends thought it might bring about the end of the world. Once ordained there, you can order the paperwork to legally marry couples.

Sorry midgrade, it won't make you tax exempt unless you start up your own church.

Hey, what a wonderful idea! Church of the Constant Gardner. It's got a nice ring to it, doncha think? Communion will consist of MellowYellow, a slice of pizza, and a drag off a blunt.

I am in.
I will bring the mellow yellow (my fav) and the blunts.
Goliath wasnt really a giant he was like 6ft people just thought he was because they were lying down from being too baked
Perhaps the priest was looking for an exuse to toke up, and still be faithful. Ingeious.

I love it. I don't beleve in god, though.
Perhaps the priest was looking for an exuse to toke up, and still be faithful. Ingeious.

I love it. I don't beleve in god, though.

How did Mary manage to blag Joseph that she was pregnant, and still a virgin, while all the time never given him sex?

Joseph must've been a right muppet to believe all that shit.
skunk has issues with god lol

i think he believed it the same way some silly king thousands of years after that who wanted a new wife so he killed her and made his own virson up lol
hey you guys reminded me of a joke but I hope its not to much for yall its just a joke but here goes:

why did moses and the Jews wander the desert for 40 years

sombody lost a quarter:mrgreen:

how was the copper wire invented?

2 jews fighting over the same penny:mrgreen:

what do you get when you cross a mexican with an octapus?

I dont know but it sure can pick lettuce:mrgreen:

there were these 2 arabs sitting at a bar right after september 11th. they were just sitting there talking in arabic laughing and whooping it up all night.

finally this guy at the bar cant take it anymore with these guys speakin in arabic and laughin it up at the bar and it was right after september 11th!!

so the guy walks up to the 2 arab dudes slaps them in the face and says

"HEY Mother Fucker!! this is AMERICA!!! Speak Spanish like the rest of us!!"
