SMSCOM Hybrid Controller

Hello there,

I’ll be using an 8amp Hybrid controller for my next crop, and wanted to ask about lowest and highest fan settings. After setting my desired temperature, should I just set lowest fan speed to the lowest setting (1) and highest fan speed to the highest setting (5) or is there another way to look at this?

Thanks in advance
Both to the lowest ive the sms two n if it heats up itll speed up so no worries just dont mix up plugs to sockets or have intake higher than outtake.
Ive mine to the lowest n it simply keeps smell out n good negative pressure.
Ill give u a tenner for urs
Both to the lowest ive the sms two n if it heats up itll speed up so no worries just dont mix up plugs to sockets or have intake higher than outtake.
Ive mine to the lowest n it simply keeps smell out n good negative pressure.
Ill give u a tenner for urs

But if the maximum is on 1 the fans will not rise higher than this right? yeah mate sure i’ll do two for a tenner
Its a fan speed controller if u want it blasting 24/7 highest will do but u set the temp to 26 if it passes the fans speed up n goes below they slow down so no need to worry about temps just position ur probe on just above the canopy to canopy.
Purpose of a fan speed controller is to control the fan speed so if u dont have heat to extract it will keep negative pressure otherwise its just two fans pligged into a socket.youll figure it out.onve u have it setup pm me with pics n ill walk u through it bro
Its a fan speed controller if u want it blasting 24/7 highest will do but u set the temp to 26 if it passes the fans speed up n goes below they slow down so no need to worry about temps just position ur probe on just above the canopy to canopy.
Purpose of a fan speed controller is to control the fan speed so if u dont have heat to extract it will keep negative pressure otherwise its just two fans pligged into a socket.youll figure it out.onve u have it setup pm me with pics n ill walk u through it bro

Thanks for the response bro. Will do, i’ll Send some pics over when I’m next in. All the best