Smuggling seeds


Active Member
Any suggestions on bringing in seeds from Amsterdam? I would prefer not to swallow any rubber objects and claim them from the recycling area :spew:.


Active Member
why can't you fill up your luggage case with clothes, maby slip the seeds in a bag into something like under the sole of a shoe, inside a toy, container??
or do you only have carry- on luggage? maby consider getting a case.


Well-Known Member
Considering their size it shouldn't be difficult

I would bring something in a cardboard box and stick the seeds INSIDE of the cardboard


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions on bringing in seeds from Amsterdam? I would prefer not to swallow any rubber objects and claim them from the recycling area :spew:.

I am goin to Amsterdam in November I plan on just mailing them back to myself with a T-shirt. I can't fuckin wait, it is slowly but surely getting closer. Only 6 months to go for the Cannabis Cup


Well-Known Member
I am goin to Amsterdam in November I plan on just mailing them back to myself with a T-shirt. I can't fuckin wait, it is slowly but surely getting closer. Only 6 months to go for the Cannabis Cup
I'm mailing myself seeds too. Just to give you the heads up shipping is crazy fucking expensive. The only nice thing is that seeds are dirt cheap over there so you still are getting a good deal even though you are getting raped by shipping. The cheapest shipping I could find was fedex for 75 euros.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
ten seeds will fit under a bandaid check your pocket and let them ride loose in a pocket of a pair of pants folded in luggage


Well-Known Member
ten seeds will fit under a bandaid check your pocket and let them ride loose in a pocket of a pair of pants folded in luggage
I suppose for that matter you could really just put em in your sock and they would never know the diff, unless ur walkin through sweating ur ass off and lookin suspect


Well-Known Member
Y not just order them off a good seedbank?
Most places garuntee their seeds will arrive, n it saves u a big headache.
But if ur still guna do it, then the trick is layering, something that small will dissapear on xray if rolled in2 the middle of a pair of socks..
GoodLuck :joint:


Well-Known Member
Y not just order them off a good seedbank?
Most places garuntee their seeds will arrive, n it saves u a big headache.
But if ur still guna do it, then the trick is layering, something that small will dissapear on xray if rolled in2 the middle of a pair of socks..
GoodLuck :joint:


Well-Known Member
Put them in a baggie and place them in your sock underneath your arch, even when they x-ray your shoes you'll be fine. Put them in a baggie and tape them under your sac. Buy a sovenoir from over there and stash them in it. Probably best to carry them on yourself or on carry on luggage. I'd also check out security procedures at the airport over there, if they have dogs walking around I'm sure they'll pick up the scent of the seeds. If that is the case I'd say mailing them back would be the best option. I'd definitely be finding out security procedures at the airport you are coming from and customs procedures when you come back. A long time ago I went on a small charter trip to the bahamas and when we came back they laid all our luggage out and let the dogs sniff it and then we were allowed to get it, going inside the customs building they went thru everything in the luggage. This was before anyone knew what the word terrorist was. Thinking about that, I'd say just mail them.


Well-Known Member
Unless you have a shitload of them, just put them loose in your pocket or in a pack of gum in your pocket. You'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
many ways to get seeds through airports

if you have big quantities bring a golf bag with a case to travel and put it at the bottom of the bag ( always works)

small quantities, always wear boxer briefs or even tighty whiteys and you can hug ur nuts or even tape it there if your insecure :(

but honestly seeds you could just carry and not even stress 1 percent bud


Active Member
its probably unnecessary but i take a razor blade and from the inside of your jeans cut a slit in the waistline hem. it makes a tight little tubular pocket and i have been searched dozens of times with things in there and have never had someone find it. in luggage or not.

although should the slight odor on the seeds be an issue?
can dogs find the scent?


Well-Known Member
at those types of stores you can buy the smelly proof bags..i hear they work for even dogs..i could be wrong


Well-Known Member
Cheap ball point Bic pen. Remove and discard ink tube and then clean out all residual ink from ball point insert and replace. Remove capper from the other end of the pen and fill pen tube with seeds. Replace capper and place pen in your pocket or bag.

If you really want to get cute. Buy yourself a two-pack of those huge and relatively inexpensive ball point pens for people with big ass hands and fill them sumbitches up. There is so much room in those babies you can leave the ink tube intact.

Good luck and good growing.