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I’ve got a snail problem on my outdoor plants they’re doing great they had a catapiller problem early on but I’ve been treating them with bt after a closer look and some defoliation I’ve noticed snails in the soil and on the plants what is the best method to get rid of these pests organically any advice would be appreciated I’ve heard of beer traps and other methods idk what to do I just want them gone thank you in advance.
Oh man! I had snails they destroyed my plants stems and leaves...stressed it so much...
I put a thick layer of diatomaceous earth and it helped a little bit, but they were still climbing up and leaving a trail of DE behind them... they even made baby snails i found those right away. I put a small Tupperware beer trap underneath the plant and that helped a bit but somehow they still got to my plant... so my final attempt was to hunt them down at night with a flashlight and then I didn’t want to kill (too gross) them so I put them in the yard waste... that settled it but it was too late for my plant... a host of other problems started where they has eaten away the stems and leaves. Next time I will start with the late night snail hunt! Happy snail hunting! :peace: ;) :weed:
I’ve heard of beer traps but I’m nervous that it might draw more snails to the location what is the best distance I can put them away from the plants in your opinion
I saw some info on spraying wood planks or cardboard with water and using that as a trap has anyone tried combining the beer trap with that technique like spray a plank with beer let it sit overnight and grab all the snails or no??
There is an effective product called Sluggo. I train mine to go after the nearby sacrificial tomato plant.


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I’ve heard of sluggo but I guess some people were saying mold issues or something like that idk didn’t look too far into it when I heard that