what product do you think is fake?why? what product are people calling fake and you think it works?why?
Agree.There are some out there that work and some that work but are over priced and some that dont do much. But they all do something or other. Most of it you can accomplish by feeding your plants the right ratios and knowing what they want. Going by the plants not by what someone says online.
I think products have to work at least a little bit if they are to stay in business. Some less than others but its about giving the plant what it needs.
Some people love it, and bonsai masters I work with swear by it, but I think Superthrive is a questionable product, or any B-Vitamin supplement for plants. I have read papers from educated botanists stating that there is absolutely zero evidence of B-vitamins being usable to plants. But I'm on the fence. I have used Superthrive with no noticeable effects. My plants were always just as healthy without it.