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Snap Back
It was a tough year! For those readers that don’t know on oct 8th at around 10pm 2017 the Napa fires consumed my home and everything in it. Jill and myself literally lost everything material we owned that night. I have relocated to Arizona and I have a license to grow Cannabis in a bowling alley in Globe AZ.
But what about Subcool Seeds and the breeders that work with me creating all the cool strains we produce. I get asked so often that I wanted to tell the story and tell you about some things I am excited to release. During the fire I was essentially trapped in a small hotel in Windsor California until I released I had to get out of the smoke as fast as possible I was literally choking on the toxic fumes. Before leaving the area I visited Jen and Joel friends of mine and two established Northern California growers. Norstar Genetics holds a vast library of genetics including many of the core mother plants that make some of my most famous strains. Apollo-13, Jacks Cleaner, Chemdog, Purple Urkle, Killer Queen, Forum Cookies and Orange Velvet just to name a small selection of his over 70 mother plants. The also held a copy of Space Queen male we use to make many of our hybrids. Prior to Jan 1 2018 My seeds were produced in Sonoma County and we were able to check over a million seeds into the system there with Soil King and his Seed2Soul farms. Days away from Statewide distribution it has been an uphill battle to say the least to remain legal and relevant after the fire. Soon we will offer 40 different strains in seed form to the 3100 different shops and hopefully within a year flowers and extracts as well.
Jen and Joel continue to make new hybrids using our proven parents and one of the newest to complete testing is Astrosnaps. A hybrid of Forum Cookies and Space Queen the strain smells like cookie dough and stacks resin like a snow storm. Tested in 10 locations in every possible environment and conditions the results were Steller. John_ The_ Jar is a dedicated grower and had phenomenal results he recently placed very high in the photo contest held on Instagram. His amazing photo are featured in this article.
Joel is also one of 3 people to hold my infamous Jacks Cleaner clone the mother of Jack the Ripper as well as Space Queen so he has the original parents of Jack the Ripper which produces males that pass on TC-v and I have long wanted to created a Banana Lemon terpene. Working with his Banana OG mother plant he crated Banana Jack and after 6 months of testing it is now ready for release, massive towering colas that reek of sour Banana. The high is clear and energetic and it leaves your breath like you just ate a Banana popcicle. Incredible terps and out of 195 strains the first time we have created this smell and taste.
In 2016 Joel combined his AC/DC CBD breeding mom with our Pennywise CBD strain to create Deadlights. Reaching levels of 28.1 CDB it may be the most important medical strain on my menu. Real medicine with heavy resins peach and cherry terps and large yields Team Terpene is very well known for these photos of Deadlights and provided this amazing shot for me.
Of all the strains I have worked with I get the most heart felt letters from patients who use or grow Pennywise and Deadlights. I often hear “ I tried so many strains for my condition but tow puffs of Pennywise and my pain just melted away” You can read all you want about the benefits of CBD and cannabis but when a human actually tells you thank you with tears in there eyes you know that Cannabis Cures!
Meanwhile in Lake county there lies a quite soft-spoken cat named Badger and he spent the last 3 years running my garden in Cali and is like a son to me. So much so he named his son Monty after me so well call him family. Working with more of our genetics collection he holds Kyle Kushmans Strawberry Cough and Stardog clones and is busy like a mad scientist creating and growing out his seeds and lots of other organic vegetables. I love the fact he feeds his family off the land. His new release is called Vanilla Tart and I could not be prouder, he took his time made sure is was grown out and loved by dozens of local growers. Provided his own photographs helped design his own logo and packing and has 12 new hybrids in testing/creation for 2019. He is now responsible for collecting genetics for the California market Badger has a full garden dedicated to seed production and reproduced classis like Chernobyl and Pandoras Box. Working with selected cuts he brings a bright future to our menu. He pours his heart and soul into all he does.
Last but not least we are now working with Norstar genetics to recreate some of our classics in feminized form for the European market. 90% of all seeds sold in the UK are feminized and working with the top breeders in the world we will offer a feminized line in 2019. Some of the strains we helped make famous worldwide will be offered in collaboration like 9 Pound Hammer and Dr. Who as well as medicinal strains like Pennywise and Cheese Quake.
It all starts with a seed is my moto and while the cannabis world has changed greatly since I sold my first seed in the USA in California is 2006 at the Cow Palace but it remains my passion. My goal is to continue to offer proven classics and new exciting flavors. Thanks to Weedworld for always letting me tell you what’s going on.
The Weed Nerd
It was a tough year! For those readers that don’t know on oct 8th at around 10pm 2017 the Napa fires consumed my home and everything in it. Jill and myself literally lost everything material we owned that night. I have relocated to Arizona and I have a license to grow Cannabis in a bowling alley in Globe AZ.
But what about Subcool Seeds and the breeders that work with me creating all the cool strains we produce. I get asked so often that I wanted to tell the story and tell you about some things I am excited to release. During the fire I was essentially trapped in a small hotel in Windsor California until I released I had to get out of the smoke as fast as possible I was literally choking on the toxic fumes. Before leaving the area I visited Jen and Joel friends of mine and two established Northern California growers. Norstar Genetics holds a vast library of genetics including many of the core mother plants that make some of my most famous strains. Apollo-13, Jacks Cleaner, Chemdog, Purple Urkle, Killer Queen, Forum Cookies and Orange Velvet just to name a small selection of his over 70 mother plants. The also held a copy of Space Queen male we use to make many of our hybrids. Prior to Jan 1 2018 My seeds were produced in Sonoma County and we were able to check over a million seeds into the system there with Soil King and his Seed2Soul farms. Days away from Statewide distribution it has been an uphill battle to say the least to remain legal and relevant after the fire. Soon we will offer 40 different strains in seed form to the 3100 different shops and hopefully within a year flowers and extracts as well.
Jen and Joel continue to make new hybrids using our proven parents and one of the newest to complete testing is Astrosnaps. A hybrid of Forum Cookies and Space Queen the strain smells like cookie dough and stacks resin like a snow storm. Tested in 10 locations in every possible environment and conditions the results were Steller. John_ The_ Jar is a dedicated grower and had phenomenal results he recently placed very high in the photo contest held on Instagram. His amazing photo are featured in this article.
Joel is also one of 3 people to hold my infamous Jacks Cleaner clone the mother of Jack the Ripper as well as Space Queen so he has the original parents of Jack the Ripper which produces males that pass on TC-v and I have long wanted to created a Banana Lemon terpene. Working with his Banana OG mother plant he crated Banana Jack and after 6 months of testing it is now ready for release, massive towering colas that reek of sour Banana. The high is clear and energetic and it leaves your breath like you just ate a Banana popcicle. Incredible terps and out of 195 strains the first time we have created this smell and taste.
In 2016 Joel combined his AC/DC CBD breeding mom with our Pennywise CBD strain to create Deadlights. Reaching levels of 28.1 CDB it may be the most important medical strain on my menu. Real medicine with heavy resins peach and cherry terps and large yields Team Terpene is very well known for these photos of Deadlights and provided this amazing shot for me.
Of all the strains I have worked with I get the most heart felt letters from patients who use or grow Pennywise and Deadlights. I often hear “ I tried so many strains for my condition but tow puffs of Pennywise and my pain just melted away” You can read all you want about the benefits of CBD and cannabis but when a human actually tells you thank you with tears in there eyes you know that Cannabis Cures!
Meanwhile in Lake county there lies a quite soft-spoken cat named Badger and he spent the last 3 years running my garden in Cali and is like a son to me. So much so he named his son Monty after me so well call him family. Working with more of our genetics collection he holds Kyle Kushmans Strawberry Cough and Stardog clones and is busy like a mad scientist creating and growing out his seeds and lots of other organic vegetables. I love the fact he feeds his family off the land. His new release is called Vanilla Tart and I could not be prouder, he took his time made sure is was grown out and loved by dozens of local growers. Provided his own photographs helped design his own logo and packing and has 12 new hybrids in testing/creation for 2019. He is now responsible for collecting genetics for the California market Badger has a full garden dedicated to seed production and reproduced classis like Chernobyl and Pandoras Box. Working with selected cuts he brings a bright future to our menu. He pours his heart and soul into all he does.
Last but not least we are now working with Norstar genetics to recreate some of our classics in feminized form for the European market. 90% of all seeds sold in the UK are feminized and working with the top breeders in the world we will offer a feminized line in 2019. Some of the strains we helped make famous worldwide will be offered in collaboration like 9 Pound Hammer and Dr. Who as well as medicinal strains like Pennywise and Cheese Quake.
It all starts with a seed is my moto and while the cannabis world has changed greatly since I sold my first seed in the USA in California is 2006 at the Cow Palace but it remains my passion. My goal is to continue to offer proven classics and new exciting flavors. Thanks to Weedworld for always letting me tell you what’s going on.
The Weed Nerd
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