Snow White and The AK-48 1000Watt/CoCo


YES! It's finally time for me to start my first grow journal :hump: I've read

way too many and I've been itching to do my own. So Hi, my name is Orphen

and this is my first grow. I will be using CoCo cause i'm coo coo for it.... :-|

Well let me take you all through what I have done so far (which is not so much)

and then what i still need to do.

So it is April 15 the same day the Titanic sunk and the day i officially started

germination. My Snow Whizzels are in moist paper towels enclosed in a Dvd

box while the AKs are in moist paper towels enclosed in paper plates. Both

the plates and the dvd case are zipped up in a guitar case and under my bed.

So in a couple days I shall post my germination and probably a pic of the little

germies. I got to hand it to Nirvana Seeds man. I live in the EwwwwSA and

they were shipped from over seas and arrived in 7 days!! HoLy ShIt!!

Moving forward!! As I stated early I'm using CoCo as my medium, and here's

a picture of the shit i bought today

Things I still need to buy are as follows

SuperThrive, Litmus paper, very cheap PH meter, TDS Meter, Cal-Mag, Epsom Salt

The next thing I'll be working on tomorrow is my grow room. Here is what I

have already acquired.

Another thermometer Orphen? Why two for only one room? FML! Hopefully I can find the receipt for that second one.

400 CFM

1000 watt interchangeable ballast. Came with both HPS and MH

Things I still need to purchase are as follows; ducting a couple 100 watt cfls, a couple fans.

Now I know there is a lot more out there I could possibly add to my list of

things to buy and I would appreciate some advice if you think I'm forgetting

something major
. Keep In mind though we're talking about things that are a

necessity because I'm pretty much broke after all of this lol :rolleyes:

Aight thats it for now homies. Be back with ups pretty soon! I haven't told

any of my friends about this project and it feels good to finally be able to talk

about it. Peace!