So are all my plants hermies/males or did I just cut one a little early??


Well-Known Member
So like the title says I have a bunch of plants (below) that seem to have balls and flowers. Is this just new growth or am I screwed? BTW I already cut one down so I will be mildly disappointed if I just murdered a woman.



Well-Known Member
Wow so I must have really fukced them up.... That is 5 out of 12 that are hermies/male so far. I'm gonna have to smoke a bowl and fukcing think about this.


Active Member
Hoping to harvest my hermie in a couple days. Smoked some small lower buds without any seeds and they were closest to the pollen sacs. Just hope its all that way.


Active Member
No hermies. Pure males.....sorry. Sometimes the Phyllotaxis of the male flower fools even the best of us into thinking it's a Betty instead of a Ben.

Good early strains will show fairly clear calyx/hair formations even before 12/12 usually..........not always, but usually.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Those are big balled males who would luv nothing more to molest your little ladies and produce stunted retards..Kill them and smoke them


Well-Known Member
don't even keep those as they are for sure MALES and I wouldn't just say that to see someone ruin there crop. None of those are hermies just plain males sorry!!!


good cos this is something i was worried about, my 'little white hairs' were present throughout the veging phase, i am growing from clones... could this be the result of a female showing its pre-flowers, then being pulled back into veg for use as a 'mother plant'?


Active Member
if a female plant has been put into flower then brought back it will increase the chances of herms or so i believe, once the plant reaches maturity it will show sex anyway so unless your in a rush to sex i dont see why you would have done this, are you sure the mother is not a father cuz they look hella male.