So depressed because I got rejected by a girl. Feeling suicidal.. Help!


Well-Known Member
pretty sure gun to the temple will kill you 99% of the time.
Worked with a guy that tried to do that n missed about a week or so later he shot himself in the dick with a nail gun when he fell off a roof. Point is gun in the mouth is a much better option.


Well-Known Member
Got rejected by a girl last night. It was my first rejection in my entire life (im 23). I feel so ugly and worthless now. How long does the depressing feeling last?

Did you become depressed when you were rejected? How did you cope

Real talk
False statement


Well-Known Member
Im feeling a lot better now! Im shutting out all the negativity and bad times in my life and focusing on the good times. The bad times shall pass

A wise rapper once said "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for the pain"
and sunny days wouldnt be so special if there wasnt rain
You have'nt been rejected before?

wow consider your self in the game finaly, You cant let a turn down (1) stop you! dude I have been turned down more times than you are old, many more times!

get back on that horse and go after your next ex!

Im still with my ex but know my next ex is waiting for me,,,,she will either go out with me or turn me down, either way I will most def be asking a bunch more out!
