So, how important is flushing the soil prior to harvest???


Well-Known Member
I just read online this morning about flushing/leeching the soil about 2 weeks prior to harvest, is this necessary?
I read it helps get rid of bad tastes and helps burning. I wasn't aware of this and actually fed my plant nutes this morning. Now I'm worried I won't necessarily have 2 weeks to stop nutes and only give water. I'm including a pic of the plant to show how close/far from harvest. This is my very first plant so I really have no idea how close other than a guess, which I would say maybe 10 days.
As for drying I was going to use the "hanging" method and all the tutorials I read don't give an estimated time frame for the drying. I know there are variables, size, leaves, room/climate, but can anyone give me a round about frame?
Thanks in advance


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Just use straight water now until harvest. In drying the way to tell is by touch and smell, the buds will firm up as they dry and get "crispy" feeling and they stop smelling green that's when to take the buds off the stems put them in a paper sack 1/3 full that you can open and close so you can control the rate of drying and the inner moisture can get out, go slow and check things often. be careful and don't dry to fast you need to control the humidity in the drying chamber. for a small amount 4-5+/- days before they go into the bag and they are ready for the jar when the stem breaks instead of bending.
Most will say you need two weeks but 10 days should be OK. On drying I like to hear or fell a snap then put them in a glass jar in a dark area and burp as needed.
Flushing is an amateurs mistake, flushing is just depriving your plant of it nutrients at the most crucial stage of it life... THE BULKING STAGE (The final 2 weeks)

If you hang dry and cure correctly, your finish product will never smell like hay and the true color, scent, and taste comes out.

But talking about flushing is like talking politics here... very touchy subject.
indeed it is a touchy subject.
i'm on the don't flush side, experience and what little science i've seen on the subject agree.
as far as drying, it depends on how big/dense the buds are, the temperature, the RH, and airflow.
i've found the longer you can take to dry the better the results. if you can make it take 8 to 10 days you get a lot better product that cures faster. how ever long it takes, you can tell its ready when a stem a little smaller than a pencil breaks crisp without snapping in half, you want it past the flexing stage when you bend it.
at that point some people put it in paper bags for a few days to dry it a little more slowly, some people go straight to the jars for the cure, personal choice i guess.
you can force dry it in a couple of days but it will smell like hay and be harsh. the longer you can give it for the whole process the better.
This step is extremely important. Always flush b4 harvest. Just for the simple fact that your basically washing you baby!! That's what you are doing. I are feeding the baby all of the possible nutrients that are left right befor you kill the plant. There fore by not flushing you are not getting all nutrients. As for drying that's where I made a huge mistake well that and cutting premeture but that's another topic. So, I have a great DIY drying chamber that I bet everyone here has all material laying around the house

-dress with drawers(ceded if you can find one. It doesn't matter)
-remove the drawers
-replace the wood inside each drawer(where your cloths would sit) with window screen or any kind of screen.
- place you harvested buds on the scree spread out evenly
-close the draw and that's it.
(Note I sometimes like to lay a fan on low under the dresser, facing up for a steady air flow.
i'm not going to open the can of carnivorous worms here that the flushing debate can become. go read what you can find about flushing on these forums, then go elsewhere and do the same. you'll get the same answers....some people say its imperative, some people say its ridiculous, you're gonna have to try it both ways and decide for yourself
This step is extremely important. Always flush b4 harvest. Just for the simple fact that your basically washing you baby!! That's what you are doing. I are feeding the baby all of the possible nutrients that are left right befor you kill the plant. There fore by not flushing you are not getting all nutrients. As for drying that's where I made a huge mistake well that and cutting premeture but that's another topic. So, I have a great DIY drying chamber that I bet everyone here has all material laying around the house

-dress with drawers(ceded if you can find one. It doesn't matter)
-remove the drawers
-replace the wood inside each drawer(where your cloths would sit) with window screen or any kind of screen.
- place you harvested buds on the scree spread out evenly
-close the draw and that's it.
(Note I sometimes like to lay a fan on low under the dresser, facing up for a steady air flow.

Here we go again.... there are a million threads about flushing and two schools of thought regarding it. I would chime in beyond that but it's pointless. Do what feels good to you and will give you confidence in the end product.
I appreciate everyone's input/advice, I didn't realize when first posting this that flushing was such a touchy subject hahaha. I went the water route, which was only for a few days.