so i have 2 goals set by 2025


Well-Known Member
I AM going to climb everest and i AM going to try skydiving soon since i found its really cheap to do if i do it with an instructor!
so what are some of yours guys and gals goals?
Hopefully still be alive in 10 yrs to give you shit about why the Everest thing didn't happen :)
i hope so to but to congrat me lol
im already setting money back for the equipment and talking with somone who climbed it before and the base jumping i cant do i dont have my license that cost a fking lot of money, if somthing changes and im able to afford that i will .
but this is somthing iv wanted since i was a kid and i feel my health is improving and im going to try to get at 235lbs thats why the extended date.
iv heard of to many people freezing to death or dying in some bad way because they didnt prepare or didnt do there homework.
like i am going to do this for sure its a life goal.
i mean im in shape enough i skate,run,lift,eat right,ect
i wanna do somthing with my life and not just waste it, im not one of those people that really wants a family i like to go out and explore the world and if you really do want somthing you will find a way to make it happen. imo
Go climb Everest, everyone is doing it... literally.

Eyes on the prize; make sure to take plenty of we all know on here

Pics or it didn't happen :)
i want loads of pics and if possible to get fire i wanna take a hit of some good smoke prolly have to be a vape when i hit the top, if no one ever has i wanna be the first! lol
could change alot of minds on the whole pot makes you lazy crap lol
im going to try for a sponser as well to help fund.
also going to try to find a sponser for a base jump that would be boss, i aws thinking a few months back about skydiving since its cheap do with an instructor almost time for it i plan on that later this summer! and ill def get pics if my parachute opens :P