So i just harvested...


Active Member
so i just harvested one of my babies and here is what i have to show for it. its not very much bud, less than a zone, but i have not weighed it yet so true numbers are yet to come. i still have one more plant that will be coming down within 2 weeks also.



Well-Known Member
Was that plant even done? Looks like it could have gone a bit longer

You can weigh it now and subtract a good 60% and that will be close to your dry weight.

~Boneman :joint:


Well-Known Member
i second that it looked to be harvested way too early! if you're using CFL's, keep in mind that the flowering stage takes AT LEAST 2-5 weeks longer for full maturity.


Active Member
400w hps. it vegged for like 4 or 5 months with very little light. its been passed around between 2 other people before me. i took it over about 2 weeks ago, but it did flower with the hps for 9 weeks


Well-Known Member
It looks like you were off to a good start!

However, I am truly sorry to say... that prob will not get you stoned... Because It has not done flowering yet... 85% the pistils need to be orange/red and the trichs need to be turning amber. Which can be seen with a low powered microscope.

The THC has not had enough time to convert to cannabinoids... CBD, CBN, ect... Those are the chemicals that get you stoned. THC alone will not produce noticeable effects. Buy the book "Marijuana Botany" It is all you need to know about harvesting and curing. After you read that book and put it with what you already know you will be an awesome grower.


Well-Known Member
Well he did say 9 weeks, but considering some strains need 11 weeks, otherwise the bud will look like yours.

But it's okay.. because i'm sure you'll do a better job next time.



Active Member
Well, at least you have your feet wet now man. smoke it. enjoy it. get ready for the next grow.


Well-Known Member
He did say 2 other people had this plant before he put it under an HPS light. For all we know those other 2 individuals could have used shitty incandescent bulbs. If this was your first grow atleast you now have some experience under your belt.


Well-Known Member
that looks very fluffy how far did you have the light from the plant?if this is your first grow at least you learned something for your next grow and thats whats important but i agree with everyone else it does look immature did you check trichomes with a microscope before chopping it down?