So I went to the gym today and totally embarassed myself xD


Well-Known Member
So I decide hey lets go to the gym that my buddies always do so I can actually gain some muscle mass instead of being a skinny motherfucker. So I go there and honestly FORGOT I was on a shitload of valium last night(40mg, the recommended dose for a crazy feel good is 20mg for a no tolerance user and I HAVE no tolerance) I just did that because I was bored and there really is no OD on valium so whatevs.. But then we smoked a blunt and went to the gym. Now right after that first hit, I was like 'shit.... valium...' And was unable to really walk, you know how the shit makes you roll around all floppy like.. anyways, we get done with the blunt on the way to the gym, and I'm just too fucked up. I start lisfting a 120lb bench press which normally I can do, but like.. I could get it up really easy the first rep, everyone was already looking at us because we were just BAKED.

I mean we put this legal incense called high times in the blunt AND weed, they can't even handle the legal stuff, I cant even handle weed because my tolerance is like zero. I need to calm down anyways cuz I have a drug test next week. But so I lift it up quite easily, then I just realize 'fuck' And I fucking fell off the bench and the barbell was on top of me and I couldnt get up so I just laid there laughing xD

So lesson learned, never participate in motor skills or weight lifting while under the influence of benzos xD

What was the worst is no joke EVERYONE was looking, no one was laughing like us tohugh they were just like disgusted almost... Fucking tools..