So Im Thinking About Joining The Military


Well-Known Member
Okay so i have to do something with my life according to everyone in my family! now it might sound like i wanna do it for them only but i wanna do it to better myself aswell. i have been thinking about the Air Force i want to go in and come out with education not only as a soilder but a professional too. anyway any input is greatly appreciated thanks for listening.


Well-Known Member
Im still in the Army, waiting to be medically retired though. The military is great to come in get a better mindset on certain things in life, and to get a jumpstart on it. Im not a big school person and had no idea what to do out of highschool so I went in the military. At 23, I dont know of any of my other friends, that have a 4 bed house with a pool and hot tub, a harley and new car amoung other things so money wise it was a good choice, not that you make alot in the military but if you manage it properly it goes a long ways. You get pretty much Instant credit when your in the military but be careful most car lots and places around post will try and rip you a new one. The new post 9/11 Gi bill will be out soon, that will help you with school they will pay your tuition up to the most expensive in the state. Give you a $1000 a year for books and supplies and give you a housing allowance every month equal to that of a E5 (SGT) with dependents based on zip code of school. So the military offers alot of great oppurtunties if you use them and do it wisely, I love and also Hate the Army lol.. trust me there are downsides to military service but they do no outway the benefits... You would be smart to join the airforce, I wish I would have lol, all the good looking women go there too. Any questions feel free to ask anytime.


Well-Known Member
Go to school....Pay for it yourself.

No need to sign up unless that's what YOU wanna do.

School is the better option IMO......Unless you don't have the aptitude.....In that case...The Air Force wouldn't have you either.....

Maybe another branch....But now you're in the line of fire.


Well-Known Member
I agree school is the better option, as thats what im doing now.. but the military is a good way to pay for school. Spend 2-3 yrs in the military, you can go to school the entire time you in for free, you get out your only going to have a year or so left is your going for a BS or your already done if all you wanted was a AS. If you want to keep schooling afterwards is still completely paid for plus they pay you rent/house payment etc. Far better than paying a student loan for half your life or going in debt because of it.

Most ppl that advise against the military either never served or came in and made a joke of their time instead of utilizing it to set them up for a better life ahead.


Active Member
i am a navy veteran, and disabled. for me i enjoyed the time i had in the military. although at time the navy had its bullshit, now that im out i really miss it. i actually think about trying to get back in. this would be difficult due to my medical discharge but not impossible. also my wife is active duty army. we are stationed overseas in italy for next 2 1/2 years.
oh the airforce is very hard on who the let in. if you have any kind of criminal record this could really play a part on getting in. the other braches seem to give waivers much easier. and u can say goodbye to cannabis for the next 4plus years. navy was zero tolerance.
make sure u pick a job u feel that u will enjoy and be able to do once u are out. civilian employers really like to employ veterans due to the training, experiance, and work ethics.
before you go to a recruiter research everything. know what job you want and see if there are any bonuses. i got a 12K bonus when i joined. i am an electronics/radar technician. my training was just shy of 2 years.
let us know what u decide.
another thing if u enlist, try to hang with guys that dont alway talk crap about the military and how things suck. this will bring u down. the military has a ton to offer.


Well-Known Member
Glad another service member joined in on this zjohn. Also like zjohn said kiss canabis goodbye I wont lie, I've smoked during leave times and flushed my system and have never been caught but I highly advise against it as it can and will ruin your career. Plus extra duty sucks.. I still grow though, as I just love to do it as a hobby.. of course I live 40 minutes from post on a dead end road (dont try it on post housing asking to go to prison right there lol)....or just dont do it at all lol. To back up on things zjohn said for sure pick a job you like, otherwise you wont enjoy yourself day to day. Basic is not one thing like active duty service so dont let it get you down thinking this is how life is gonna be lol. Make good use of bonuses when you do get them. In 5 years I've racked up a total of about $40,000 in bonuses. Also main thing like he said stay away from the guys that are slackers, dont take the job serious and get into trouble.. you will get in their mindset and make things horrible for yourself.. I made it 5 yrs without a single negative action on me.

Good luck with whatever you choose and just make sure its your choice and no one else.