none of those studies you list say it ELIMINATES risk.
Nothing completely eliminates anything... pollution has traces of all types of crazy shit... in the air a lot of us breathe... and the water we drink. It's just that smoke contains 88% of nasty shit... where vaporizing contains
trace amounts. Your shifting your argument.
doesn't mean there isn't other vapor in there that will harm you if you abuse it.
Actually, it does mean there isn't vapor in there that will harm you.
.The analysis showed that the Volcano® vapor was remarkably clean, consisting 95% of THC with traces of cannabinol (CBN), another cannabinoid. The remaining 5% consisted of small amounts of three other components: one suspected cannabinoid relative, one suspected PAH, and caryophyllene, a fragrant oil in cannabis and other plants. In contrast over 111 different components appeared in the gas of the combusted smoke, including a half dozen known PAHs. Non-cannabinoids accounted for as much as 88% of the total gas content of the smoke.
you're making a false claim by saying such things... in which case your conclusion is equal to mine, you have experience showing this, I have experience showing that.
I'm posting studies factual evidence. I'm arguing against your point that, 'vaporizing causes more respiratory illness than smoking'. In the quotes I posted, I underlined that vapor contains
trace amounts of tars... not 88%, or even 8% of tar by volume
my experience is that I never got bronchitis or pneumonia in all the years I've been smoking... I switch to a high end vaporizer for 3 months and after an over-zealous session with a cold I got bronchitis and pnuemonia.
Yes I see this as evidence to your following argument, "smoking is better for your lungs than vaporizing, because we as humans have evolved with smoking... vaporizing is a new technology and worse for our lungs"
you can try to argue that the vape didn't cause this all you want, but I've never had either condition before using a vape, take it as you will.
I'm not stating this dude... a Medical Journal stated this
medical journal said:
.... studies have found that they [smokers] do face a higher risk of bronchitis and respiratory infections (Polen et al. 1993, Tashkin 1993).
the facts are there are studies showing that vaporizing didn't take out everything, there are still tars, there are still toxins, there are still contaminants
Poplars said:
What now? It eliminates at least 3 toxins, and reduces tars to
trace amounts.... So why is vaporizing as bad as smoking?
norml said:
A previous NORML/MAPS study conducted by Chemic Labs found that a vaporizer known as the M-1 Volatizer® ( completely eliminated three specific toxins (naphthalene, benzene and toluene) in. the solid phase of the vapor (D. Gieringer, "Cannabis Vaporization: A Promising Strategy for Smoke Harm Reduction," Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics Vol. 1#3-4: 153-70 (2001);
The analysis showed that the Volcano® vapor was remarkably clean, consisting 95% of THC with traces of cannabinol (CBN), another cannabinoid. The remaining 5% consisted of small amounts of three other components: one suspected cannabinoid relative, one suspected PAH, and caryophyllene, a fragrant oil in cannabis and other plants. In contrast over 111 different components appeared in the gas of the combusted smoke, including a half dozen known PAHs. Non-cannabinoids accounted for as much as 88% of the total gas content of the smoke. (
Poplars said:
you're inhaling the vapor from a heated PLANT...
Yes, HEATED is the key word here. When you
combust or HEAT past a certain level, you begin to release the OTHER compounds in the
PLANT MATTER. When vaporizing, you are taking specific chemicals from the plant.
Poplars said:
you can't take out everything just because you focus on a specific temperature that may hopefully only vaporize those specific compounds
Uh yeah, you can... according to science, at least. I mean is that not the
point of vaporizing?
The vaporizer produced THC at a temperature of 185° C. (365° F.) while completely eliminating three measured toxins - benzene, a known carcinogen, plus toluene and naphthalene. Carbon monoxide and smoke tars were both qualitatively reduced by the vaporizer, but additional testing is needed to quantify the extent of the decrease.
Significant amounts of
benzene began to appear at temperatures of 200° C. (392° F), while combustion occurred around 230° (446°F) or above. Traces of THC were in evidence as low as 140° C. (284° F). (
I vaporize from 365f-392f.... accurate to 2.2f
so yeah, you're just taking some information in your favor, stretching it miles away, and making a false claim.
I said something, then directly quoted a number of different sources, WITH sources, to back my points up. That's not stretching things miles, that's a
legitimate argument.
My sources directly state: Smoking isn't proved to cause cancer, but it is proved to cause respiratory illnesses
such as bronchitis. Therefore; vaporizing
greatly reduces, or EVEN
eliminates the toxins that CAUSE these illnesses. Vaporizing is a FAR MORE healthy way to deliver THC into the lungs.