So it's basically down to one guy.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
So with almost zero doctors willing to sign at all anymore, the mmpr joke system is closer to being boss of the MMJ dispensed in this country. The little plan is being shoved up patients asses a little more each day.
Don't worry, they figure they will get these Doctor's straightened out soon enough after the mmar is ruined. They'll give em these rules and promise them no trouble if they sign you to an LP. Good Doctor...Good Doctor...ruff...ruff. Come on doc's, jump on, we gotta turn this into a profitable pharma money maker you know...git on board Doc's...Sarcastic
Folks have a harder time ( much harder ) than they did just two years ago. Now they plow you into a greed bag LP's hands to charge what they please and you got zero recourse with them on that.
Slowly the Cops/law seems to be screwing over the dispensaries as well. Just little by little...picking at the dispensary setup. Everyday it seems somewhere a dispensary story is appearing with new gloom for them to overcome. Even the almighty city of VC, wasteland of dispensaries, is planning a mass screwing with new greed fee's. See the trend ? All these factors pushing the new system up our asses an inch at a time.
Just two years ago you could find a signing doctor and apply to grow your own or Dg for cheap meds. Two years ago we had an annual medical MJ expo in Toronto. Two years ago was much better/easier and cheaper to be a MMJ patient. We have lost a lot imo.
And now to the title of this thread ( So it's basically down to one guy ).
All of the new bullshit system is in place to wash away real patient rights and freedoms. All they need now is ONE guy ( Judge Phellan ) to side with the Gov ( or be bought/forced ) and it's over for thousands of folks. And will never include any new folks either ( unfair ).
So if you think buying from these greed bag dispensaries isn't hurting everyone's chance at better things, then your a ------- ------- ( fill in blank )
Seriously BOYCOTT LP' LP's = better future for you.
If your raped into the mmpr.........Buy once...refill every time after elsewhere.
So with almost zero doctors willing to sign at all anymore, the mmpr joke system is closer to being boss of the MMJ dispensed in this country. The little plan is being shoved up patients asses a little more each day.
Don't worry, they figure they will get these Doctor's straightened out soon enough after the mmar is ruined. They'll give em these rules and promise them no trouble if they sign you to an LP. Good Doctor...Good Doctor...ruff...ruff. Come on doc's, jump on, we gotta turn this into a profitable pharma money maker you know...git on board Doc's...Sarcastic
Folks have a harder time ( much harder ) than they did just two years ago. Now they plow you into a greed bag LP's hands to charge what they please and you got zero recourse with them on that.
Slowly the Cops/law seems to be screwing over the dispensaries as well. Just little by little...picking at the dispensary setup. Everyday it seems somewhere a dispensary story is appearing with new gloom for them to overcome. Even the almighty city of VC, wasteland of dispensaries, is planning a mass screwing with new greed fee's. See the trend ? All these factors pushing the new system up our asses an inch at a time.
Just two years ago you could find a signing doctor and apply to grow your own or Dg for cheap meds. Two years ago we had an annual medical MJ expo in Toronto. Two years ago was much better/easier and cheaper to be a MMJ patient. We have lost a lot imo.
And now to the title of this thread ( So it's basically down to one guy ).
All of the new bullshit system is in place to wash away real patient rights and freedoms. All they need now is ONE guy ( Judge Phellan ) to side with the Gov ( or be bought/forced ) and it's over for thousands of folks. And will never include any new folks either ( unfair ).
So if you think buying from these greed bag dispensaries isn't hurting everyone's chance at better things, then your a ------- ------- ( fill in blank )
Seriously BOYCOTT LP' LP's = better future for you.
If your raped into the mmpr.........Buy once...refill every time after elsewhere.
and it's up to us to fight! Phelan couldn't or wouldn't over rule Manson so we can't make changes...ouch. our LLB is doing things very slowly-like not asking for immediate relief or going to the lower court to vary the injunction-we all need to stand up & say "we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!"
even if you don't want Goldstars, talk with your MP and get pressure from that angle...start a petition...use need to do something or we will be screwed
So how many people have filed? It only takes one to change it for all...
i don't know the numbers now but there is around 500 who filed Goldstars
there's the "mean 17" (as Turmel calls) who have filed to appeal the injunction and 4 who filed their applications for leave to appeal at the SCoC ( I know that number because I flied them). we are waiting for the reply to the leave to appeal now.
hopefully that will work out and it will open doors for the rest but more pressure from different angles will work.
if we squeak loud enough, we should get some oil...but not any made from solvents..haha