SO, just bought a pho tron fro 200$ was worth it?


Active Member
so i was just at friends house and this dude had a newer photo tron in his truck and him being a addict he needed to sell it asap or whatever i didnt care i had money and yeah so $200 later im sitting at home just now looking these things up, there well over 350$ sent to my house. but was it worth my money really, i have five pretty mature females right now sitting under way to many spiral flouros mabey i want to say 12 lights total, the plants look beautiful but what now i want to start flowering at least one of them cause they look so nice and i dont want to fuck up now. i put one in the tron with a timer its on 24h im gona wait for a reply to do any thing more please anyone help? should i trust the tron , or do you think it be safe to even throw a 400w halide in there as well?


Well-Known Member
From what ive read that arent really practical but i dont think anybody has tried one for weed, i think you should try it and do a journal just so the world will know.


Active Member
first off if you want it to flower you want it on 12/12 and dont use a mH you want red spec light not blue can use 2700k cfls or hps

mH is for veg

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I have heard of it. might be nice for males. is it for one plant? on one forum the guy got all into it, he had venting and options you can buy if you check out the company. adaption panales for vents and reflection. Soil? PICS woud be cool.


Active Member
pics are in my photos. go check em out, only one plant is in the tron. 4 others tho on the outside of it under other lights.


pics are in my photos. go check em out, only one plant is in the tron. 4 others tho on the outside of it under other lights.

checked out your album bro, but didnt see any pics of the phototron..:confused:... sweet tulip and braided joint thingy though:eyesmoke:


Active Member
yeah the pics are there, the first pic in my album is the plant in the tron, and the last picture of the plants in my album shows the plant in the tron which is right next to all the other ones, you can see right through the plastic sides, inside its all mirrored , one way mirrors with flouros in a box. pretty much.


Well-Known Member
first off if you want it to flower you want it on 12/12 and dont use a mH you want red spec light not blue can use 2700k cfls or hps

mH is for veg

A MH will flower just fine, plants prefer red spectrum but will do just fine with MH.