So Much for LEGAL Medical grows..!!

A 62-year-old woman from the Castlegar, B.C., area says RCMP raided and damaged her property and hauled her to jail even though she has a licence to grow marijuana.
Velma Mullaney said that despite a Health Canada permit that allows her to grow 98 plants, police showed up at her rural home last month, kicked in the doors, cut off her electricity and confiscated her marijuana.
The officer in charge refused to look at her permit or count the plants, the grandmother said.
"He kept saying, 'You are way over in plants,'" Mullaney said. "I said, 'Get those guys to go in and count them and you'll see everything is legal.' And he kept saying, 'You are way over and you are going to jail.'"
Mullaney was taken to jail and later released. No charges have been laid.
Her lawyer, Don Skogstad, said he doubts charges will be forthcoming.
"It is one thing to believe you have grounds for illegal activity," Skogstad said. "But once you get there and you can see how many [plants] there are and know about the licences, why don't you just leave?"
He said Mullaney may sue the RCMP for damages and file an official complaint.
Police would not comment on the case.
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Well-Known Member
completely rediciolous, police sicken me. There are alot of prescription drugs out there that are illegal without a prescription, but you dont hear about cops coming to bust people that have prescriptions, why should be it be any different with marijuana, she was given a right to be able to produce her own medicine, I dont understand what the police are doing, they arnt inforcing any laws by doing this, I especially as a tax payer dont enjoy hearing about this, my taxes pay their godamn salary, they should be listenin to us. Everytime police try and go "corrupt" a properly set up legal medicinal marijuana grow, their pissing off another person, If this continues, theres gonna be alot of pissed off people wanting change. Take the time to think, you pay taxes to help fund your economy, that includes police salary. If there going to be wasting their careers on busting LEGAL grows then there definately has to be a change. lol happy toking

kbo ca

Active Member
up until just recentley, every cop was trained to think of cannabis as something relating to meth, coke, heroin and a load of other crap. Now all of a sudden its supposed to be ok, but cops still associate this dried flower with all that other BS. We need to show cops, and our local governments that we are good people and that our medication is nothing like what they think it is. Remember all the propaganda that put pot in the negative place that it is today. It's getting better but it will take lots of work to reverse all of the lies the world has been told.