So my car got broken into...


Well-Known Member
I know alot of you dont even care but this is the second time in a month, I caught the person the first time.. and I didnt do anything about it cause I caught him red handed, he siad he was sorry and gave back my stuff, And I Was to stoned at the time to do anything.. now the second time all my shits gone including all my bank info and some herb I had in my car, it was totally trashed! now I cant even enjoy token up anymore with this being on my mind, someone out their has all my shit along with a garbage bag filled with all my clothes and personal info, I knew I heard something at 3 in the morning! I Was just thinking it was the herb playing tricks with my hearing like it always does! dammit
Sh*tty, I have that same problem around here... I wish someone would invent a car alarm that paralyses the offender and leaves him unconcious on the ground... then I could do as I please with the offender...


Well-Known Member
LOL that would be possible, im sure the guys at myth busters could come up with a devise, they can make anything


Well-Known Member
I tried to search for it but couldn't find it, but I saw in the Guinness records book a car alarm that shot fire out of the car. Thing was fucking intense, would burn up any asshole trying to break into your car pretty quickly. However your then probably wanted for murder....

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
I tried to search for it but couldn't find it, but I saw in the Guinness records book a car alarm that shot fire out of the car. Thing was fucking intense, would burn up any asshole trying to break into your car pretty quickly. However your then probably wanted for murder....
I seen that all the way back in the 2000 version.
that sucks, i think we have all been in your shoes somehow, i had my laptop stolen out of a rental with the most variety of herbs i have ever had in my life


Well-Known Member
Im sorry to hear that, I know the feeling. If I ever catch anyone stealing from me or someone else, they are going to pay for the actions of everyone that has ever stolen from me. Im not really sure what I would do but it may be bad.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Stealing is one of those things that seem to go against what I believe. Not because it's a crime but because people are gaining by taking what other people worked for.

I few years ago when I was 17, me and my buddy were walking from his place to my place when out of nowhere he decides to jack some shit from all the cars on every street from his place to mine. I'll admit that at first I thought about it because it would be nice to have the extra cash but then I thought about it more and decided it was wrong. Even if I had gotten the money without being caught I would have felt like shit knowing I could have taken all the money somone had to live on until they get paid.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your loss. It's pretty sad that these things happen. Back when I lived in an apartment complex (these places are so notorious for thievery), I had this crappy truck that someone broke into and took my stereo (couldn't have been worth more than $20 at a pawn shop). I try not to leave anything of value in my truck. What I find peculiar in your story is that someone took your clothes. Who takes clothes? That's just desperate and sad.


Well-Known Member
I feel for you. My car has been broken into not once, but twice. Amazing how it always happens the same day i clean my car. Both times, looked like a tornado had hit. What pisses me off is so often when these punks break in, they walk away with nothing of real value---to them anyway. What can they pawn your stereo 20 bucks maybe? I don't know, I have never pawned anything.

It's the sentimental things they take that make me livid.

I now take every single last thing of value out of my car each and every time I leave it..pain in the ass, but that's what the world has come to.

The last guy who broke in was caught. Apparently he and his buddies had been traveling around quite a bit that night doing it to others as well. Now, what REALLY pisses me off is that his buddies ran and he has the "right" to cover for their ass's by not identifying them.....gee, wonder what those boys have learned. Perhaps they were responsible for all the new cars I see randomly with broken windows.
The judge has given him over 2 years to pay me back. Those couple payments in the past year of ten bucks just piss me off even more.