So, this is definitely Nitrogen Deficiency... right?


Ok ok, so I am a total idiot, or at least that's how I feel after chatting with my local garden centre.

Basically I had read somewhere online that I had to feed them half of whatever it said on the nutrient bottle. I misunderstood and thought that meant 'from start to finish'.

So anyways, I have been feeding them with Iconic Coco Bloom at 50% from day 1 of flowering. We are now in day 37. I've been led to believe that 'bloom' nutrients usually contain less Nitrogen than 'Grow'. So coupled with the fact that they have only been getting 50%, then this is manifesting itself as a Nitrogen Deficiency.

This is only my second grow, so I am still learning as I go :-)


My solution is to up the feed to 80% for the next week, then up to 100% after that. I have added some Cannazym to the feed as I had a little over-watering issues and they have been drying out for a few days. I have also been spraying the underside of the leaves with a solution of Formulex to try and get Nitrogen in to the leaves as fast as possible.

Growing in a Coco/Perlite 50/50 mix. Temp is always around 24ish, and the PH 5.8-5.9.

Does my solution sound viable? Am I going about this the right way?

Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.


PS. If you notice, the two plants on the right are much worse. Can anyone offer up an explanation as to why?


Well-Known Member
It's not uncommon to have plants do this in there later stages of flower, although I do believe you said you were only at half strength nutes correct? So IMO I'd say feed a little harder on the next run and it will keep em green longer. Don't get me wrong they look nice for a second run good job! So I'm sure you'll fine tune as u progress in your grows.

I'd say your on the right track with feeding them a little harder just my opinion though! somebody else may see some more and help yas out too!


Well-Known Member
Most people make the mistake of stopping or greatly reducing Nitrogen too early in flowering. This leads to a Nitrogen deficiency mid way thru flowering. Personally, I continue to fertilize with my veg fertilizer the first week or two in flowering, then go 50%/50% veg/flowering nutes and then around the 4th week switch over to 100% bloom. This ends any chance of Nitrogen problems in flowering. Others may disagree, with most books recommending just switching to bloom ferts when the lights go to 12/12- but I got tired of the plants yellowing too early too. I want my plants as healthy as possible deep into flowering.