So what did the VA gov propose to change?

I get the age limit thing the quantity part confused me.

I think I figured out what had peaked my interest but since I already started the post here is the link

A part that caught my attention from the above link

"Another change proposed by Youngkin could add new misdemeanor penalties for recreational marijuana possession of more than two ounces. Youngkin’s office confirmed the amended bill lays out the following graduated punishments for public possession, not private possession.

  • More than one ounce to two ounces: $25 dollar fine
  • Two ounces to six ounces: Class two misdemeanor
  • Six ounces to one pound (sixteen ounces): Class one misdemeanor
  • More than one pound: Felony with a maximum punishment of ten years in prison and $250,000 fine

Current state law sets a $25 dollar fine for public possession between more than one ounce and one pound. The felony punishment kicks in after that."

Also banning Delta-8
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He wants the possession limit changed to where possession of 2-6 ounces is a class 2 misdemeanor and 6-12 ounces is a class 1 misdemeanor. Right now over the limit up to a pound is a 225 dollar civil fine for first offense. He's a douchebag. You can grow four plants but no more than one ounce?? WTF? Best bet is get a medical card and get as high of a script as the doc will write. Then you are way better protected until they fix this BS legislation.
He wants the possession limit changed to where possession of 2-6 ounces is a class 2 misdemeanor and 6-12 ounces is a class 1 misdemeanor. Right now over the limit up to a pound is a 225 dollar civil fine for first offense. He's a douchebag. You can grow four plants but no more than one ounce?? WTF? Best bet is get a medical card and get as high of a script as the doc will write. Then you are way better protected until they fix this BS legislation.
That grower's issue is what prompted the post.

Then hit the Skywalker OG and noticed this "Youngkin’s office confirmed the amended bill lays out the following graduated punishments for public possession, not private possession." .

My take is as growers at home we should be fine having more than that. The above applies when you leave your home with x amounts.
Youngkin had an affiliation with the Carlyle Group. That's Daddy George Bush territory.
He's from the uni-party and plays the part of a Republican Governor. Not a fan of the douchebag.

Jailing people for weed is inexcusable. I wish @Roger A. Shrubber would send some storm troopers to straighten out his relatives and balance the scale.
Youngkin had an affiliation with the Carlyle Group. That's Daddy George Bush territory.
He's from the uni-party and plays the part of a Republican Governor. Not a fan of the douchebag.

Jailing people for weed is inexcusable. I wish @Roger A. Shrubber would send some storm troopers to straighten out his relatives and balance the scale.
Private equity groups and the other names they go by are pretty much legalized corruption outfits. That's how the Establishment on both sides roll. They make laws then create companies to reverse engineer said law and rape people without a thought.