so what do you do when you have to leave town?


Active Member
Started a grow, looking down the calendar and I am seeing that I have to go out of town for a weekend, around the end of the "will be flowering" phase. What do you guys do in this situation? leave the shit running and hope for the best? or shut it all down and leave them in the dark for a few days?

obviously this is a loose loose situation, I'm just looking for the best course of action to take on this one. any advice?


Active Member
invest in a timer...

if you are growing in soil then just water your shit before you go, your plants can handle being on their own for a couple of days believe it or not.


Well-Known Member
i am having this same problem except im probably looking at being gone around 7-10 days


Well-Known Member
50 gal reszy Watering timer and spagetti line 5gph fittings prefer to do em by hand but when you gatta go