So where do I buy camo pots?


Active Member
And what size do I need? Should I buy the hugest size right off the bat so I don't have to transplant?

I will be growing outside, though I started my plants inside.


Well-Known Member
they have camo duct tape??? Fucking Coo Coo Coo !! right on I'm going to get it?

EDIT:Red green move over!! ( I don't shop at Wall mart very often, I should start)


Well-Known Member
Roc... camo duct tape... come on - we have an excuse to the wives to buy camo duct tape!!


buy camo duct tape from wal mart and do your own
I think that someone wants to use a camopot because its an aeration container. I have tested the differences between plastic and aeration containers and the end results are amazing . Not only will your plants grow up to 50% larger in the same size container, but your yields will be way bigger as well. I did a test last year and gave all my plastic containers away after doing it. The only way you will get the duct tape to stick is if you use a plastic container ,which like I said before is a terrible idea. My advice is spend a little money and buy an aeration container Smartpots are good if you like black , and if you want camo buy a camopot. These are both excellent products but when compared I feel the camopot is a bit superior as it is a thicker more rugged product. If anyone listens to my advice they will be getting rid of their plastic containers at the end of this year and thanking me for their increased yield come harvest time.


Well-Known Member
Ace sales camo buckets lol. Also google bush buckets. Seen them in hightime a while back, but if u got the flow listen to above, smartpots are the business


sensisensai, youre right . Of the three main aeration containers (I have tested all of them ) I would say 1st place Camopots, 2nd smartpots, and a far away 3rd place roots pots . The first two are the same price , the roots pots are a little cheaper. But in this case you definitely get what you pay for. The roots pots are crap.