SOCAL Outdoor 2011


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow stoners,

Back this year with the following strains:

Vortex, Void, Jack The Ripper, Chernobyl, Agent Orange, CheeseQuake, SpaceBomb, Plushberry, & Ace of Spades

I have the Vortex, Void, JTR, & Plushberry in 20 gal containers in coco medium. The rest are in 5 gals cus I started them late in the season. Nutrients are Botanicare PBP & topdressing of seabird guano

After this grow I'm contemplating switching to Super Soil. Coco is great and all, and I never have to deal with pests that live in the soil, but outdoors I'm just not getting the explosive growth or have as much foliage as plants I've seen grown in SuperSoil or other special mix soil. Question is what will I do with the accumulated 200+ gal of reusuable coco medium I have? (maybe try a supersoil/coco experiment haha).

Most of them just barely started flowering, a few pictures for now, I'll have some more when things get more interesting :weed:



Active Member
Start a vegatable garden with your coco (a big one). Im gonna need to buy a sampler pack when its cured so please dont say thats all personal use. Keep us updated cause this grow is gonna be awesome.