Social exchange - Facebook likes, twitter followers, youtube views, auto-surf, g+


Member it's a fast and easy way to build your internet popularity. All you have to do is make a few clicks ;)
[table="width: 500"] [tr] [td]
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[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Facebook Likes[/td] [td]Twitter Followers[/td] [td]Google +1's[/td] [td]Youtube Views[/td] [td]Auto Surf[/td] [/tr] [/table]​
Well , to be honest , there are a lot of sites like Tuio , but neither one is better . How can this be true ? First of all , we have to understand how the website works: Just after you register your account , you recieve 5 points , not really enough to start making some traffic for your links , thus we have to somehow make more points. Click on "Earn coins " and then select the most preferred item from the dropdown menu that appears. Let's say you've chosen Facebook. A new page full of "like" buttons will apear. For each click , you will recieve a fixed amount of points ( chosen by the person who submitted the "like" button to us [another TuIo user] ). When you have enough points , you can add your own link [your own "like" button for example] and wait for other TuIo users to click on it. You can set how many points should the person that clicks your link earn . You can also set a CPC rate (coins per click , or points per click ). And now , the answer to the formerly posed question , why is better ? Well sites like this give you way too many points from the beginning , just to atract you to their website , but this is obviously a bad idea. Having way too many points from the begining means you don't have to do too many things so that you could submit your own website , thus eliminating the need for EXCHANGE from start. I am able to say that this site is one of the few that really do WORK PROPERLY. Believe it or not , it's your choice :) . Cu toate astea cupoanele nu vor fi inexistente. O sa le dau ocazinal pe pagina de facebook a site-ului. Even with these things being said , it doesn't necessarily mean that coupon codes will not exist . They will exist , and they will we posted OCASIONALY on our facebook page.
tuio the link has no refferal in it
Edit: I reward those who discover vulnerabilities with V.I.P status and coins. Use the contact form on the website to report .