Social Question about Sharing and Friends


Well-Known Member
Wasn't sure where to put this, so I thought "lets talk to the well- adjusted crew on Rollitup". Surely chill guys and gals who toke it up have a good handle on how to deal with wierdos.

I have a friend, genuinely a good guy. He has this girlfriend who is a sweet girl but truly kind of an anti-social freak. She has wierd habits- won't eat the majority of foods, had hang ups on most things. Does shit like writes grocery lists or plays games on an ipad when we are all put socializing. Comes into my house in shit caked boots, doesnt Wipe them on the doormat, but takes them off in my living room and gets horse shit everywhere... doesnt clean it up or offer to... a wierdo, but a nice enough girl.

Now her weirdness is rubbing off on him. It came out recently that, on his weekends when we used to hang sometimes, he goes to her job and works with her because she is too lazy to take care of the horses herself. She doesnt help with bills and is generally selfish.

Now they come over weekly for a game night and of course the weirdness continues. Of course shes on her iPad ignoring everybody, but Im sorta used to that. They consistently show up awkwardly early- like 45 minutes early... I have to pretend I am in the shower to het them to go away until I am ready... usually cooking or cleaning because I am a good host and cooking a meal.

Here's the rub: with our group, everybody brings something. Maybe a main course, a side, some booze etc. They DO usually bring something nominal, cookies or chips or whatever. BUT more and more they will bring something small to share and food and drinks "just for them" to specifically not share... they bring nice shit and keep it to themselves, giving the group bargain bin markdown food.

SO two of my best friends are becoming anti social. They show up 45 minutes early, don't interact while they are in my house (super awkward), and then when dinner rolls around they have private food they dont share... I love them but I put a lot of effort into hosting this game night at THEIR request and I feel kinda put out.

Im thinking of just being open about this rub, saying something like "please dont show up early or bring food to a potluck that you won't share". "Also no shit on my clean rug and please put the ipad away". I feel a bit justified but also I know it may sound petty and controlling... but I feel like these peoples parents fucked up on teaching them manners. What do you think I should do?
nice post be nice to them and tell them what you think

better let them read this thread

you can cut them outta your life

if so you can let them down gentle

again let them read this

it will hurt them ready!

explain to them why

as life you have many choices and good friends do come and go

good luck
Wasn't sure where to put this, so I thought "lets talk to the well- adjusted crew on Rollitup". Surely chill guys and gals who toke it up have a good handle on how to deal with wierdos.

I have a friend, genuinely a good guy. He has this girlfriend who is a sweet girl but truly kind of an anti-social freak. She has wierd habits- won't eat the majority of foods, had hang ups on most things. Does shit like writes grocery lists or plays games on an ipad when we are all put socializing. Comes into my house in shit caked boots, doesnt Wipe them on the doormat, but takes them off in my living room and gets horse shit everywhere... doesnt clean it up or offer to... a wierdo, but a nice enough girl.

Now her weirdness is rubbing off on him. It came out recently that, on his weekends when we used to hang sometimes, he goes to her job and works with her because she is too lazy to take care of the horses herself. She doesnt help with bills and is generally selfish.

Now they come over weekly for a game night and of course the weirdness continues. Of course shes on her iPad ignoring everybody, but Im sorta used to that. They consistently show up awkwardly early- like 45 minutes early... I have to pretend I am in the shower to het them to go away until I am ready... usually cooking or cleaning because I am a good host and cooking a meal.

Here's the rub: with our group, everybody brings something. Maybe a main course, a side, some booze etc. They DO usually bring something nominal, cookies or chips or whatever. BUT more and more they will bring something small to share and food and drinks "just for them" to specifically not share... they bring nice shit and keep it to themselves, giving the group bargain bin markdown food.

SO two of my best friends are becoming anti social. They show up 45 minutes early, don't interact while they are in my house (super awkward), and then when dinner rolls around they have private food they dont share... I love them but I put a lot of effort into hosting this game night at THEIR request and I feel kinda put out.

Im thinking of just being open about this rub, saying something like "please dont show up early or bring food to a potluck that you won't share". "Also no shit on my clean rug and please put the ipad away". I feel a bit justified but also I know it may sound petty and controlling... but I feel like these peoples parents fucked up on teaching them manners. What do you think I should do?

A big enough hammer fixes anything
You guys are right, I gotta say something at the very least. Won't go as far as cutting ties. Despite a bit of trolling, I can always count on a few reasonable opinions to rise to the top here. Thanks!
The business about the carpet is intolerable. Would you happen to have a large aquarium full of toothy fish? I understand they don't mind the taste of asshole.

Ask @420God - he might have a few of these babies you can borrow. :wink:


But seriously - the carpet thing is over the top - shoes come off here as soon as you walk in the door & we have hardwood floors (which are much easier to clean).