Socialist hellhole California moves from 8th to 6th largest economy in the world, surpassing France


Well-Known Member

"California is now the sixth-largest economy in the world, surpassing France, thanks to a robust state economy and strong U.S. dollar.

California was the world's eighth-largest economy in 2014, Irena Asmundson, chief economist of the California Department of Finance, said in a phone interview on Friday. "California did exceptionally well in 2015."

France is the world's seventh-largest economy with a growth domestic product of $2.42 trillion, and India is the eighth-largest with $2.09 trillion, according to the latest International Monetary Fund data.

California is home to diverse strong economies, including Silicon Valley and Hollywood. Manufacturing and agriculture have performed well despite a severe drought, Asmundson said.

The most populous U.S. state has outpaced the rest of the country on job growth, California's finance department said in its June bulletin this week. Gross state product was $2.46 trillion in 2015, with 4.1 percent of growth in real terms, it added.

U.S. gross domestic product grew by 2.4 percent in 2015. Growth slowed to 0.8 percent in the first quarter of 2016."

Did I mention California has the highest income tax on millionaires in the nation?

Would any conservatives care to explain this?


Well-Known Member
Dark Chocolate Cupcakes


Reynolds™ Baking Cups
Chocolate Shards
tablespoons dark chocolate chips (1 oz)
1 1/3
cups dark chocolate chips
cup butter, cut into small pieces
cup whipping cream
cup Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour
teaspoon baking soda
teaspoon salt
teaspoon baking powder
cup boiling water
cup unsweetened baking cocoa
cup butter or margarine
cup sugar
teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 In small microwavable bowl, microwave 2 tablespoons chocolate chips uncovered on High 1 minute, until melted, stirring once halfway through heating. Pour chocolate onto 12 x10-inch sheet of waxed paper; spread in thin layer, forming 3 x3-inch square. Place second 12 x10-inch sheet of waxed paper over chocolate square; press to release air bubbles. Roll waxed paper tightly into a cylinder. Regenerate until set.
  • 2 In medium heat- place 1 1/3 cups chocolate chips and 1/4 cup butter. In small microwavable bowl, microwave whipping cream on High about 1 minute or until cream just begins to simmer. Pour cream over chips and butter; beat with whisk until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth and shiny. Refrigerate 30 to 45 minutes until completely cooled, stirring occasionally.
  • 3 Heat oven to 350°F (325°F for dark or nonstick pans). Place Reynolds Baking Cups in each of 12 regular-size muffin cups. In medium bowl, mix flour, baking soda, salt and baking powder; set aside. In small bowl, mix boiling water and cocoa until dissolved.
  • 4 In large bowl, beat 1/2 cup butter with electric mixer on medium speed 30 seconds. Gradually add sugar, beating well. Beat 2 more minutes. Beat in vanilla and egg until blended. On low, alternatively add flour mixture and cocoa mixture, beating just until blended. Divide batter among muffin cups. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes. Remove from pan to cooling racks. Cool completely.
  • 5 Beat frosting with electric mixture on medium speed until light and fluffy, about 30 seconds (Do not overheat.) Fit decorating bag with large star tip. Fill bag with frosting. Pipe frosting in circular top of each cupcake and mounding frosting slightly in center.
  • 6 Unroll waxed paper cylinder, causing chocolate to crack creating shards. Garnish each cupcake with chocolate shards. Store in refrigerator.


Well-Known Member
California gets all the assistance other states get from the federal government.

Plus California is blessed with natural ingredients for success.

California is blessed with being the center of gravity for two industries the world loves. That isn't anything socialist tendencies influence.

It's ironic that France, the national version of democratic socialist tendencies has slipped past the state. Its economy is sluggish. And it doesn't have a national government propping it up.


Well-Known Member
California gets all the assistance other states get from the federal government.

Plus California is blessed with natural ingredients for success.

California is blessed with being the center of gravity for two industries the world loves. That isn't anything socialist tendencies influence.

It's ironic that France, the national version of democratic socialist tendencies has slipped past the state. Its economy is sluggish. And it doesn't have a national government propping it up.
How does a state attain a 4.1% growth rate the year after imposing the heaviest taxes on millionaires in the US while simultaneously going through its worst drought in decades? Doesn't traditional conservative logic tell us that taxing rich people more will lead to armageddon? Why did cutting taxes for the rich in Kansas lead to utter and complete financial ruin in that state? Where was traditional conservative thought on that one?

Maybe, just maybe, traditional conservative thought is bullshit, especially when it comes to economics


Well-Known Member
Exactly...why didn't millionaires run to a different state or country? Aerospace ran to the tax havens in the south and took what? They were replaced...


Well-Known Member
Apparently this openly racist shit stain never heard of the EU or France's world wide colonial empire which still exists, or it's pro-business labor reforms over which there is an active revolution in progress.

Meanwhile California invests in its working class and infrastructure...
Top notch research and educational universities, and an understanding that taxes aren't anathema when the funds are targeted to useful purposes. What wing nuts call "liberal" is actually community-value based decision making. And I don't mean value in terms of ideology, I mean what gives best return to the community.

Thick Stem's posts are an example of how utterly backward and ignorant right wing ideology is. I won't even comment on how stupid Blunt guy is.


Well-Known Member
Why did cutting taxes for the rich in Kansas lead to utter and complete financial ruin in that state? Where was traditional conservative thought on that one?

Maybe, just maybe, traditional conservative thought is bullshit, especially when it comes to economics
And you have absolute verifiable evidence of all those Cali millionaires are paying their fair share of taxes and not using shells, subsidiaries, out of state trusts, and/or shill charitable contributions to defraud the tax system (not that I blame them)?
Sheer population density allowing for things like superior influence of voting trends has nothing to do with it. It's all those philanthropic millionaires and not a larger mass yielding a larger product?

You're stats are for the entire state, correct? Not just the 7 digit club.

Trot that shit out w/ your mass statistics and lead us to rally to your salient point of taxation buying better quality of life for the masses.

This is coming from a sometimes resident of Illinois whose have learned if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....well, ya know, it's what makes being gov from IL a better chance of future felony conviction than a high school drop out.

IL is more fiscally fudged than Cali and earns it's title of the land of politics gone awry, but Cali is 2nd in unfunded liabilities.

Millionaires do not donate to political entities for the betterment of the general public unless a siphon is implemented far before the tap.

It's like saying that that the most influential people in politics and commerce gather @ Bohemian Grove in CA for a week of reach arounds to "cut loose".
These individuals pride themselves on the idea that "time is money" and don't spend either without need and are REALLY good at it, otherwise we'd be bandying this @ the Grove and they'd be reading about it. :D


Well-Known Member
Other than a lot of dead lawns, California's drought conditions have had really no effect on anything.


Well-Known Member
And you have absolute verifiable evidence of all those Cali millionaires are paying their fair share of taxes and not using shells, subsidiaries, out of state trusts, and/or shill charitable contributions to defraud the tax system (not that I blame them)?
Sheer population density allowing for things like superior influence of voting trends has nothing to do with it. It's all those philanthropic millionaires and not a larger mass yielding a larger product?

You're stats are for the entire state, correct? Not just the 7 digit club.

Trot that shit out w/ your mass statistics and lead us to rally to your salient point of taxation buying better quality of life for the masses.

This is coming from a sometimes resident of Illinois whose have learned if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....well, ya know, it's what makes being gov from IL a better chance of future felony conviction than a high school drop out.

IL is more fiscally fudged than Cali and earns it's title of the land of politics gone awry, but Cali is 2nd in unfunded liabilities.

Millionaires do not donate to political entities for the betterment of the general public unless a siphon is implemented far before the tap.

It's like saying that that the most influential people in politics and commerce gather @ Bohemian Grove in CA for a week of reach arounds to "cut loose".
These individuals pride themselves on the idea that "time is money" and don't spend either without need and are REALLY good at it, otherwise we'd be bandying this @ the Grove and they'd be reading about it. :D
bohemian grove conspiracies?

must be summer.


Well-Known Member
And you have absolute verifiable evidence of all those Cali millionaires are paying their fair share of taxes and not using shells, subsidiaries, out of state trusts, and/or shill charitable contributions to defraud the tax system (not that I blame them)?
Sheer population density allowing for things like superior influence of voting trends has nothing to do with it. It's all those philanthropic millionaires and not a larger mass yielding a larger product?

You're stats are for the entire state, correct? Not just the 7 digit club.

Trot that shit out w/ your mass statistics and lead us to rally to your salient point of taxation buying better quality of life for the masses.

This is coming from a sometimes resident of Illinois whose have learned if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....well, ya know, it's what makes being gov from IL a better chance of future felony conviction than a high school drop out.

IL is more fiscally fudged than Cali and earns it's title of the land of politics gone awry, but Cali is 2nd in unfunded liabilities.

Millionaires do not donate to political entities for the betterment of the general public unless a siphon is implemented far before the tap.

It's like saying that that the most influential people in politics and commerce gather @ Bohemian Grove in CA for a week of reach arounds to "cut loose".
These individuals pride themselves on the idea that "time is money" and don't spend either without need and are REALLY good at it, otherwise we'd be bandying this @ the Grove and they'd be reading about it. :D
fucking lazy right wing shit there. Why don't you do the work to refute the conclusion that CA's tax system in support of social systems is a reason for their success? I don't think you can. GOP "floats all boats" and cutting taxes while bloating debt by raising spending is a broken and failed approach. Fucking lazy GOP idiotic ideology has had its day and is on the way out. Trump is the kind of fascist authoritarian leadership that the GOP is headed for. The next step is to marginalize the party and watch it become a joke like the KKK. Reagan conservative ideology has been revealed as a failure in all counts except for how it concentrates wealth in the hands of the few while running this country down.


Well-Known Member
fucking lazy right wing shit there. Why don't you do the work to refute the conclusion that CA's tax system in support of social systems is a reason for their success? I don't think you can. GOP "floats all boats" and cutting taxes while bloating debt by raising spending is a broken and failed approach. Fucking lazy GOP idiotic ideology has had its day and is on the way out. Trump is the kind of fascist authoritarian leadership that the GOP is headed for. Because Reagan conservative ideology has been revealed as a failure in all counts except for how it concentrates wealth in the hands of the few while running this country down.
I didn't post to call it (taxation) into question, padewan did.
I just laid the burden of proof on those that profess it's profound benefit.

Ya science does when it asks for the repeatable recipe for a professed discovery.


Well-Known Member
I didn't post to call it (taxation) into question, padewan did.
I just laid the burden of proof on those that profess it's profound benefit.

Ya science does when it asks for the repeatable recipe for a professed discovery.
A debate usually has both sides presenting facts. What you said was something like. nu uh, prove it. You lose debates that way. So show us why paddy was wrong. But I don't think you can.


Well-Known Member
A debate usually has both sides presenting facts. What you said was something like. nu uh, prove it. You lose debates that way. So show us why paddy was wrong. But I don't think you can.
Yes....I learned that's the way debates happen too.
There is a topic proposed. If proposed by a biased party it is considered the 1st salvo of the debate especially if it specifies criteria to support a particular viewpoint of that debate.

Someone presented conjecture about specific contributions by a certain class of individuals with unsubstantiated support for that argument.

They that posit the argument should provide the verifiable (or at least visible) proof in support of it.
Or they should expect derision.


Well-Known Member
How does a state attain a 4.1% growth rate the year after imposing the heaviest taxes on millionaires in the US while simultaneously going through its worst drought in decades? Doesn't traditional conservative logic tell us that taxing rich people more will lead to armageddon? Why did cutting taxes for the rich in Kansas lead to utter and complete financial ruin in that state? Where was traditional conservative thought on that one?

Maybe, just maybe, traditional conservative thought is bullshit, especially when it comes to economics
Maybe just maybe more is going on here than just taxes on rich people.