SoG clone to flower transition question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Got an interesting question. I'm going to be running a 3x6' table w/ 50gal res, I currently plan to run the whole 72 pots less room for fill/drain in 3-week groups of 24 using 6" net pots for a sea of green and a Sativa pheno of White Widow. Lighting is 2x 600w HPS lights, air cooled. My concern is throwing just rooted girls into full strength nutes, ideally I would have a group of 2x3 tables in my grow area to better control nute strength however I got this table and reservoir for $10. Can't argue with that!

Figuring root for 2 weeks, veg for a week taking cuttings when I lollipop them all, 9 week flower cycle. I'm not opposed to buying a 2x3 tray but it'll be tight and I only really have room in my 6x5 veg area (both flowering and entry doors open overlapping spots in the veg area, cutting about 1/3 of the available room) unless I get something that'll fit in the 5x8 flowering area with a tapered corner cutting out a sq ft. So, any advice on how I can best achieve a perpetual harvest? The nutes would be GH Flora series. I'm really looking for a "set it and leave it be" thing as I'll be returning to work soon and wont have nearly as much time to micromanage my girls. I'm trying to figure out of I can do this or if I'm going to be stuck taking 80+ cuttings to fill that tray. Would not like to be trimming for a day straight, lol :joint::mrgreen: