SoG flowering and harvest questions.

First, my flowering questions: It is week four of flowering tomorrow. They are very very crystally although the buds aren't very big. One of them has about 30-40% red/brown hairs, it looks like some pics of sweet cheese I've seen in High Times. I know it shouldn't be ready, but it sure seems like she is. How long should I wait before considering pulling her up? I estimate that there is about 10 grams on her dried. I've heard of buds swelling the week before you should harvest, maybe wait till they get bigger?

I'm planning a SoG next with 3 or four mothers. My question ties into my other. I've seen so many things like "Harvest an ounce every two weeks" or "2 ounces every three weeks SoG". How can you harvest after only two or three weeks of flowering with Sog? I know with seed grown you're not really supposed to harvest before 5/6 weeks, because most of the hairs would still be white, but why with these SoG clones can you harvest at three weeks? If the buds aren't ready before a month with growing, why do they get harvested faster? Do they mature faster because they're clones and the hairs turn faster?


Well-Known Member
If you have only been flowering for 4 weeks, I guarantee you that your plants aren't ready. Most strains take around 8 weeks or more, although there are a few strains that will be ready before then.

For the "harvest every 2 weeks" thing, that doesn't mean that you harvest a plant that you have only been flowering for 2 weeks. It simply refers to staggering your plants in your flowering room. If you put some plants in to flower, filling 1/4 of your room, then 2 weeks later, put some more in, filling another 1/4 of your room etc., then after 8 weeks, when you harvest your initial plant, you can put a new one in it's place to begin flowering. 2 weeks later, you can harvest the second plant that you initially flowered, replacing it with a new plant, and so on.

Once you get a system going, you can have new plants ready to harvest every two weeks perpetually, although each plant will have been flowered for 8 weeks before you chop it.