SOG veg?? 4x4 E&F 1200 watts help!


Hey guys,

question regarding the veg on my new 4x4 ebb and flow tray veg times for my clones. (BTW i will be running 2x600 watt hps over the 4x4). I am growing greenhouse seed co great white shark and white rhino and can get my hands on whatever # of clones i need. I know it is possible to yield 1.5-2 lbs optimistically(perfect light,CO2, etc) per tray. I want to get as close to 2 lbs as i can although i know i might b looking closer to 1.5. How many plants should be in there to ENSURE my desired yield, also, when should clones be flowered in order to achieve 1 ounce per plant(how tall are they?) Or would i be better off vegging shorter and putting in more plants, and yielding closer to 1/2 oz per plant? Any info, experience, knowledge greatly appreciated.

dude you are taking the wrong approach to growing. It is great to have goals but you should not focus so much on a yield and making your mark, things go wrong and right and it is best not to get your hopes up over a number. I think 2 elbows would be feasible from your setup with 4 or 9 plants per table depending on veg time, put up a mesh screen and scrog it, you will be impressed with how it works. Also, give co2 some thought, I think it is well worth the extra trouble.


Well-Known Member
1 x 600w hps will cover a 1m x 1m area, with sog each plant in your table should be allowed 1ft x 1ft. As guitargod suggested, at this stage the end result should be your last concern, theres a whole lotta other stuff in between. Good luck.


thanks guys, so u really only think up to 9 plants will b fine? I was projecting to have anywhere from 20-30 clones in the tray based on my research, reading AL B's style, using lollipopping and flowering early, which essentially eliminates the need for veg(my puppies get huge in the ez cloner), making more harvests per year. In my new house i want to have 4 4x4's set up with a harvest every 2 weeks using Al B's ways, so in my current place im trying to experiment and scale my future grow based off of this one.
I understand that my final product shouldnt be my main concern right now, but after setting up my room, with new supplies and everything; I am out of pocket pretty close to $6,000; so im in a place where making my mark is very important for alot of reasons, other than just wanting to simply grow alot of herb. Ive put hours upon hours of time, work and research into studying peoples methods and trying to absorb any info i can.
I have asked about plant numbers because i have seen people run sog's on 4x4 E&F's with ranging from 1-100 plants(pretty broad spectrum), and it is hard to determine what a solid and reliable number of plants is to best help me reach my benchmark. Al B's numbers look solid(20-23) plants and he harvests 1-1.5 lbs. every 2 weeks, for such a limited veg(less than 2 weeks) its such a huge return. I know i can follow Al B's path identically, but i am just curious if even putting more plants on the tray than him(maybe 30-40?), with strong roots and a couple days of veg max, if that may be even more productive than Al B's? or if it would just be an unproductive, overcrowded mess?


Well-Known Member
experience takes you a lot further than knowledge. I read and studied and bought every measuring device and piece of expensive equipment you can name. Put it together and followed info to the T, problem is every strain is a little different, every enviroment is a little different. Not until I got local help fron a local guru did I find my way. You gotta get to know what your girls like and journal EVERYTHING you do with them. Time and experience will get you consistent results


yea im with u on the experience part...its reely hard to predict too accurately whats gunna come each harvest, since with growing there are any number of issues i could encounter. I plan on keeping my gws and wr mothers around for a long time, in order to master their genetics and growth. ive found that its all just experience, im already finding my current grow about 200% more healthy and vibrant than my prior grow at the same stage. haha if only a local weed guru would find his way into my growroom!