

Good day , I have a quick question. My blue dream are 16 days old from seed and they have exploded . Should I still do a sog as I mite be to late . Pictures are 2 days old , they have since grown 2 more inches and I just topped them this morning. Worried about overcrowding. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Sog usually is single cola no training. That plant in the middle is going to Bush out more and block out light for alot of those plants around her. At this point with that big plant in the middle a sog maybe out of the question.


Well-Known Member
If you take her out you would be able to do a sog. How long do you plan on vegging her? Do you plan on vegging in that same tent or another one?


Well-Known Member
I’m not an expert but as far as I know SOG really needs clones as seeds are not sexually mature for 6-8 weeks. Even feminized seeds don’t want to flower until sexual maturity.


Yup I know what you mean , this will have to do for now as it has to start the flowering stage in the next few days , I topped them today and will remove 10 so I have 14 in a 4x4tent . Started out as a sog end up with 14 big plants instead lol all good . Got the lighting and the room , as for that big ass afgany plant it has a tent all to itself lol