Has any one tried this.Can I just add water from Tap.let it sit for 24 hrs.Im gonna do auto flowers.Says everything I need is in the soil.seed to harvest.
could you post this please?Living soil works really well, better than bottles nutes.
Check out subcools super soil.
Literally just add water from start to finish, maybe a bloom tea/sucanat at day 30+45 but that's preference.
Subs super soil recipe makes a very large batch but if you want a break down I have it in both imperial and metric, down to 1/8th batch(1bag) just ask and I'll send it over
How about growing auto flower.will the buds still end up nice.gonna use a 3000 watt led famurs consumes 440 watts
Good point actually, without the extended veg time of photo plants, it may be a little redundant using super soil as the roots won't be throughout the soil, the nutrients are available straight away (if aged properly) but you ideally need to establish the plant first to use all the nutes in the pot.Feed them compost tea 2 times per week and regularly water, also check the pic they make an autoflower version i believe the nutrients will deliver better and more importantly in time... if you get the other kind yes your plants will love it but autos will finish out long before they fully use the nutrients inside the regular super soil because the delivery is different... hooe this helps
It tells you what to do with it on the bag, amend to the bottom of the pot fill the pot a 1/3 with potting soil mix thouroughly, fill pot with potting soil after last step, done... water till you cut it down... if i was you i would toss all 5lbs into a 7 gallon pot, fill half full the rest of the way with ur potting soil, mix mix mix, fill the last half of the pot with plain potting soil, plant your plant and water it good... dont over water almost everyone does, note the weight of your container after you water should be heavy and more solid, when its dry you can tell way lighter and smack the side of the pot with an open palm, you feel the hollowness inside the pot and how light it is, now is the appropriate time to water again. If you transplant do yourself a favor and get azomite powder sprinkle on top of soil every transplant its amazing for the little ladies and transplant shock... one more thing buy compost tea to brew or buy it already brewed and water your plant with it once a week and if you can foliar feed every day with it in veg, it does great things for the plants and keeps em nice and happy and healthy lookingwhats with the auto I put that in the soil..was just gonna fly with the sohum living soil.can I use it for two harvest then.if auto don't use all the nutrients it gives.I thought of he same thing.maybe less gallon pot