soil additives? what do you do?


Well-Known Member
i just ordered some Fox Farm ocean Forest soil and i am wondering if i should mix anything in the soil. i know some people mix worm castings or a peat moss or some pearlite or vermiculite, i was just wondering if the soil alone will be enough. i also order the fox farm nutrient trio to go along with the soil. any feedback is much appreciated!
The thing about FoxFarm is that it already comes enriched with many organic fertilizers,mainly fish it doesnt make sense in adding additonal fertilizers till atleast a month after you planted in it..get me?
just read the labels on the soil. ocean forest has a lot of that shit already in it. the soil itself will be fine, but better with that trio you got. just follow fox farms nute chart and dont start using them for a few weeks. i like to mix 1/4 perlite with 3/4 soil, some people use more than that its up to you...
Only additive I use in soil is perlite. About 1/3. Soil sometimes tend to get compacted and perlite helps to prevent that..along with helping drainage and aeration.
Thanks a TON. so i should wait like 3 weeks to use the nutes? and ive only done hydro, so i hear that you only feed like every other or every three waterings, is this correct?
Oh yeah,go to Home Depot or wherever,and buy some truly makes a big difference when growing in soil...or coco coir...
sweeeeeeeeeet! so will the soil plants grow at a slower rate than hydro ones? if so, at what rate do they grow? when i did hydro i vegged for about 5 weeks, and in the end got descent sized plants, how long do you guys usually veg in the soil?
um i usually veg about 5 weeks. but dont expect anything close to what you got in 5 weeks from hydro. soil will take longer if you want the same results you might have to veg like 6-8 weeks...