soil amendments

This year is going to be my first guerilla grow and I wanna make sure I know exactly what im hiking up my mountain of choice.

My original plans were to use advanced nutrients spring/summer/fall, with basic sterilized potting soil, perlite, and mulch mixed with gravel ontop to retain moisture in the summer. Now can I use other advanced nutrient fertilzers with these like voodoo juice or rhino skin while im also using time release ferts or is that over kill?

Now for all you organic people out there I would love to grow organic and I know its better, but do I have to keep replenishing my garden with seaweed and bat shit or even stinky compost every couple weeks hiking up the hill? And do you use different types of organic ferts in veg and flower?
if its as simple as burying a few dead fish throwing in a couple apples, bananas and oranges and all you do is add water to your babies all year im down. I know nothing about organics so soil recipees and other imput is appreciated.

Im pretty sure im gunna go with the advanced nutrient line up so I can't go wrong with my first outdoor grow, but im open to all opinions and other advice.



Well-Known Member
Do you have your plots selected and the appropriate genetics for your climate yet? Those are the two most important factors in guerrilla growing. Everything else is secondary.
Do you have your plots selected and the appropriate genetics for your climate yet? Those are the two most important factors in guerrilla growing. Everything else is secondary.
Yes I have gone with Skunkberry and trying an early harvester called Early Sativa finishes in early Sept. I have 20 seeds total 10 of ea and am hoping to get 9-10 fem's, 3 in each of my 3 grow plots. They are bred for canadian north west climates, I hope in the years to come I can breed my own genetics for guerilla warfare where i live. Will be posting my grow journal as soon as ive done some more scouting. Have you had experiance with advanced nutrient heavy harvest line up?


Well-Known Member
Remember, the more money you spend on soils and nutrients, the more of a loss it would be if your plants were ever potentially stolen. When I guerrilla grow, I try to keep it simple, some nice composted manure and peat moss will work wonders and its organic.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Is there something wrong with the local soil that you have to use store bought potting soil? If it were me, I'd hike up enough compost (or better yet, mushroom compost) from the local garden center/nursery and then use the Espoma line of organic nutes. also available at almost any garden center/nursery. Mix the soil 50/50 with the compost, and add the nutrients according to directions. You can either mix it in, or top dress it.
You mix the nutes in at the beginning with the compost & soil and you're good. When they go into flower, you can add their bone meal or Kelp (Or both) by top dressing it in when it's time. It doesn't GET any easier. I'd just amend the local soil, especially if it's good loamy soil with good drainage. You'd have the advantage of having an already established micro-colony.